2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting

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Barry Fox CAN262
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2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 08 Apr 2011, 21:11

Starting last year there was discussion about the timing of our Annual General Meeting and a desire to move it away from major events so that more attention would be paid to the meeting and there would also not be any disruption at major events that would be caused by this meeting.

The content of this posting has been emailed to all NCA Representatives. This is a mostly an official notification of the meeting. There is really no guidance in any of our documentation to say when the meeting should be announced but certainly earlier is better.

The target that we established last year is to aim for somewhere near the middle of November each year for the actual AGM to take place. It will be, again, completely "electronic" although we may try to make it a bit more interactive if I can find a simple way of doing that.

4.1. Meetings of the World Council shall be held
4.1.1. Either in such physical place and time as the IOM ICA Executive Committee may
consider most convenient to the majority of the members,
4.1.2. Or by electronic communication.

Therefore the target date for the 2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting is to be November 20th, 2011.

By the Regulations, there are some milestone dates that occur prior to the meeting. They are:

September 11, 2011

4.6. Resolutions for an ordinary or annual meeting of the World Council shall be specified to
the IOM ICA Secretary in writing at least 10 weeks before the meeting at which they are to
be proposed.

September 25, 2011

4.7. At least 8 weeks notice in writing shall be given of any ordinary or annual World Council
meeting by the IOM ICA Secretary to the members of the World Council, together with a
copy of the agenda for the meeting and of any resolutions which are to be proposed at
the meeting.

October 23, 2011

4.9. Four (4) weeks before any meeting of the World Council, Member NCAs and NCSs shall
declare in writing to the IOM ICA Secretary, by boat number and owner’s name, the
Registered Owners, Registered Boats, Certificated Owners, and Certificated Boats that the
Member NCA or NCS represents.

November 19, 2011

Not in the Regulations but voting results from each NCA need to be in my hands before the meeting is called to order in order to be able to represent that a quorum is represented by NCAs that are actually submitting votes.

Note that 2011 is an election year and that all Executive Committee positions are up for election. If you, or someone you know, is interested in taking a place on the Class Executive it is a good idea to get started on the nomination process and get names submitted.

The same applies to any resolutions for Class Rules, the Constitution or Regulations. The sooner they are submitted the better.

All nominations and resolutions must be submitted by a member NCA. The NCAs are the members of the ICA and these kinds of things reach the ICA via its members. As of today there is just about 5 months until all resolutions and nominations should be in the hands of the Executive. That time will pass quickly so if you have anything to submit you should start on it soon.
Barry Fox
CAN 46
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Barry Fox CAN262
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Re: 2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 18 May 2011, 20:17

Attached are copies of the blank nomination form. These are to be filled out and submitted by World Council members (Executive and NCA Representatives) and returned to the Class Chairman or Secretary by September 11, 2011.

I note that in the past there has generally been a form returned by at least two nominators so there is a "seconder" among all that.

Reminder that all positions are up for grabs this year. So get those nominations in early.
Nominator_form 2011.pdf
PDF Version
(88.71 KiB) Downloaded 1821 times
Nominator_form 2011.doc
MS Word Version
(28.5 KiB) Downloaded 1863 times
Barry Fox
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Barry Fox CAN262
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Re: 2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 25 Jun 2011, 05:14

I'll keep throwing an update here every so often to remind everyone (after all I don't want to hear any comments about the Exec hiding things from anyone) That the deadlines declared in the first notice (look to the bottom to find that) are still correct. Any resolutions need to be in my hands by September 11th.

I can't really find any reference to it but it appears that for years the election of officers has been treated like resolutions so that looks like the deadline for receipt of those as well. I have to produce a detailed agenda by two weeks after that so it would seem that including nominations by then is the right way to do it.

All positions are up for election this year for a two year term. I believe there maybe a vacancy or two that will need to be filled anyway and, of course, all positions are open for nomination by as many people as may want to serve.

So if you are sitting on resolutions that need to make the agenda, and that applies to all resolutions, get them to me earlier instead of later so I can start to formulate what the agenda will look like ahead of time as much as possible.

All resolutions, and nominations must come through your (or other) NCAs. So get in touch with your NCA Representative, Class Secretary or whoever if you have something you want to be presented.
Barry Fox
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Barry Fox CAN262
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Re: 2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 11 Aug 2011, 02:13

This is a bit like talking to myself but here is another officially unofficial notice.

September 11 is just one month away and that is the first barrier for submission of resolutions and nominations to be considered for the 2011 AGM. That is the trigger day for me to start organizing the agenda for the AGM and that agenda has to be out two weeks later. What that means is that there is very little time to review submissions, make any corrections that may be necessary, get agreement on any changes and then get it tidied up and presentable.

From the way this is all configured, once the Agenda is out there is no mechanism to make changes other than to withdraw any resolution that may require adjustment. Seems hard headed but once the agenda goes out the NCAs are expected to start up their own processes to conduct their in country vote on those resolutions. There is usually a lot of resistance to re-take any vote that has already started.

To date, I am aware of some resolutions to clarify a couple of rules and expect to receive those by the deadline. Those are coming through the Exec Committee and most everyone knows what those ones are already. No nominations have been received yet. Many of the current Exec is going to allow their names to stand again and I understand that nomination forms are being filled in for them.

So, here it is. If you have something to be proposed then you need to get in touch with your NCA and get them to carry whatever that is forward to be put on the Agenda. The mechanism that is outlined is that all resolutions and nominations must come from the Exec Committee and/or the NCA (or from the World Council in other words).

The clock is ticking.
Barry Fox
CAN 46
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Barry Fox CAN262
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Re: 2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 15 Sep 2011, 05:21

The first hurdle has now passed and I am working on the Agenda for the meeting. It isn't due for another almost 10 days but it will be ready before then as I will be sailing for the 3 days before it is due.

Stay tuned.
Barry Fox
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Re: 2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 27 Sep 2011, 01:00

Well that didn't quite work out but the Agenda has been distributed to all of the NCAs now and will be linked off the ICA Home Page shortly. There are not many resolutions to vote on but a couple are a bit longer and will take some studying, I think.

If you look at the home directory for the Forum you will see a section that is specifically for the 2011 AGM. I will be posting a thread for each of the resolutions individually in the next day and then the discussions can begin and hopefully stay fixed on the topics.

When the discussions start you may criticize or offer opinions at will but if those opinions even start to look like personal attacks I will delete those comments without offering any excuse. You are perfectly deserving to disagree with any of them but you are not entitled to attack anyone over them.

Barry Fox
CAN 46
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Barry Fox CAN262
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Voting Strength Report

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 25 Oct 2011, 22:57

Please find attached the voting strengths for each NCA to be used for the upcoming Annual General Meeting.

Please note that the countries listed in red did not submit owners lists in time to be considered for inclusion in the voting process. Sailors from those countries who feel their voices should be heard are encouraged to contact their NCA representatives for more details.

- Edited 10/26/11 - GER had sent me their count some time ago but it was buried in their Annual Report and I haven't reviewed those yet. They did, easily, meet the deadline.
2011 IOM ICA Voting Strength.pdf
Revised Vote Count
(26.52 KiB) Downloaded 1875 times
Barry Fox
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Barry Fox CAN262
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Re: 2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting - Time to vote

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 01 Nov 2011, 18:28

Now that the countries have sent (or not sent) their owners lists in we turn into the home stretch for the AGM which is the voting phase. The meeting is scheduled for November 20th and all NCAs have received a notice that I really need to have their vote counts back to me by the day before so that I can get the data plugged into a spreadsheet to calculate the results.

That means that all owners from the countries involved should be receiving some kind of communication from their NCA to gather their votes on the resolutions noted in the agenda.

If you aren't being asked for your opinion then it is likely that you should be asking why not.

If you have been asked then it would be appropriate for you to vote. For this year, and many times in the past, there are not a lot of earth shaking decisions to be made. That should make it even easier for you to vote.

So, as the old saying goes, vote early, vote often!!!

Help your NCA out and voice your choices. But do it soon so they can get the voting results to me early as well. I have the vote in from one country already!!!

Barry Fox
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Barry Fox CAN262
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Re: 2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 20 Nov 2011, 18:08

Well, here we are at November 20th, and time for the "meeting", almost. I am getting ready to go for an afternoon sail and will compile the results that are in my hands when I get back and post the results a little later on.

As has been the case since I started this position, I use my time zone as the determining factor, for doing all this so most get a bit of a time benefit for submissions.

So stand by and in about 8 hours or so the results should be ready.
Barry Fox
CAN 46
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Barry Fox CAN262
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Re: 2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 21 Nov 2011, 06:03

Running a little late today but the results are in. I have circulated the detailed results to the Exec to check my work and then I will post the results here as well as having them on the home page. If I made any errors they aren't much and it is safe to tell you that all resolutions passed handily.

As I did last year, I will go about adding in the numbers received from each NCA so you can see how strong (or not) the vote in each country was. Don't expect it to look a lot better than last year.

Hang on probably until morning, my time, and the full results will show up.

Barry Fox
CAN 46
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Barry Fox CAN262
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Re: 2011 IOM ICA Annual General Meeting - The Results

Post by Barry Fox CAN262 » 21 Nov 2011, 20:00

Find attached the vote count for each resolution showing the allocated vote for each country. There were no tie votes from any country (which actually isn't allowed to happen anyway).

Also attached is an informational only page that shows the percentage of voters in each country as well as a bit of a statistical breakdown that indicates that countries where the are less than 100 owners have more interest. That is likely not a correct statement but by show of hands it is what comes out.

A full set of minutes will come out later in the week.

Thanks to everyone who did participate.

Edited By Author: In my filling in of numbers on the percentage of voters involved sheet, I failed to include ISR as I worked from my sheet for last year and simply forgot to update that sheet, They fully deserve to be listed in this sheet as they are the only NCA that had 100% participation. Well done.

The corrected sheet is now attached.
2011 IOM ICA AGM Vote Participation.pdf
Revised to include ISR
(35.23 KiB) Downloaded 1827 times
2011 IOM ICA AGM Voting Results.pdf
Vote Results
(34.71 KiB) Downloaded 1935 times
Barry Fox
CAN 46
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

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