Hi IOM sailor
The "IOM sailor general forums" is a place where you can read and post messages in forums on areas such as "Building", "Design", "Tuning", and so on. Within each forum are topics. Click on a topic to see the messages relating to that topic. Use the "FAQ" icon at the top of the page for help.
You can post a message to the topic, that is, send in a reply. Or, within the forum, you can start a new topic. But you need to register as a member to do this, and, once registered, you need to log-in whenever you visit.
There is only one registration requirement: you must be an active IOM sailor.
If you would like to register, please see the next topic in this forum, "Registering as an IOM forum user", where we explain a couple of things we do ask of you.
Feel free to click around!
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Moderator: Pedro Egea
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IOMICA Executive
IOMICA Executive