Joining a NCA or special interest usergroup

New user welcome messages, Administrator and moderator messages.

Moderator: Pedro Egea

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IOMICA Chairman
Posts: 1197
Joined: 12 Nov 2003, 21:42

Joining a NCA or special interest usergroup

Post by Chairman » 23 Nov 2003, 15:18

A recognised NCA may have a usergroup on this forum. Click on "Usergroups" at the top of the screen and see if your NCA is listed. If it is, click on "View information". From here, you can send a request to join the group to the NCA moderator by clicking on the "Join group" button on the line "Group membership: This is an open group: click to request membership".

Similarly, there may be a special interest group (SIG) that you'd like to join. Click on "Usergroups", identify the group, and send a request for membership.

Your "Boat Registration Number" is important if you wish to join a NCA usergroup. Edit your profile and enter the correct details, if necessary, before requesting usergroup membership. The NCA moderator will check the hull number you give before approving your membership of his NCA usergroup. For most of the NCAs, this is what is required in this field:
  1. If your boat has a current valid certificate, then enter the full hull registration number (including country code), for example, "GBR 2131". Please leave a space between the country letters and the registration digits.
  2. If your boat has a hull number but your certificate is not valid or has been lost, insert the country code only and omit the digits. For example, enter "GBR" alone. Your certificate might not be valid, for example, if the boat has changed ownership but you have not (yet! :oops: ) informed the certification authority. It might be invalid if you have altered the boat in a way that requires fundamental measurement but you have not (yet! :oops: ) had it re-measured.
  3. If your boat does not have a hull number, or if the boat has never been fundamentally measured, please leave the field blank. You will not usually be eligible to join a NCA usergroup. You can participate fully in all the IOM general forums as an IOM owner, but the IOMICA Constitution says that only owners of registered boats can vote on IOM matters in their NCA.
Some NCAs may have different policies. For example, an NCA may have two separate usergroups, one for owners with a boat in category 1 above ("Certificated" owner), and another for owners with boats in category 2 ("Registered" owner). Some NCAs may not use this forum for official ballots, and so may accept owners into their usergroup with boats in category 3 ("IOM owner") as well. If the NCA forum is visible to you, look for a "Welcome" topic in it, or one that says "Want to join? Read on...". If the NCA forum is not visible, or if there is no such topic in the NCA forum, have a look in the "Class Associations and Class Management" forum in the IOM General sailors category for a topic titled "Want to join the XXX NCA?", where "XXX" is your country code.
IOMICA Executive

IOMICA Chairman
Posts: 1197
Joined: 12 Nov 2003, 21:42

List of ISAF country codes

Post by Chairman » 12 Dec 2003, 08:54

ISAF country codes

Here is a partial list. The full list can be found in Appendix G of the RRS (Racing Rules of Sailing), available for download from the ISAF Web site

<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>ARG Argentina FRA France NOR Norway<BR>AUS Australia GER Germany POR Portugal<BR>AUT Austria GBR Great Britain SIN Singapore<BR>BAR Barbados GRE Greece SLO Slovenia<BR>BEL Belgium IRL Ireland RSA South Africa<BR>BRA Brazil ITA Italy ESP Spain<BR>CAN Canada JPN Japan SWE Sweden<BR>CRO Croatia MLT Malta SUI Switzerland<BR>DEN Denmark NED The Netherlands TUR Turkey<BR>FIN Finland NZL New Zealand USA United States of America</PRE></BLOCKQUOTE>
IOMICA Executive

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