Waiting for ruling on 'Billboard'

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Art Prufer
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Waiting for ruling on 'Billboard'

Post by Art Prufer » 15 Jan 2024, 17:06

A request was submitted on November 232rd last year by the CAN IOM Class Secretary requesting a ruling on the legality of a "vane like billboard" installed on an IOM. AFAIK there has been no response to this request.
Here are some photos of the "billboard" in question.
Art Prufer
CRYA #1189 Can 42

Art Prufer
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Re: Waiting for ruling on 'Billboard'

Post by Art Prufer » 02 Feb 2024, 22:16

Wow, 1492 views and not one comment.
It seems the 'system' is broken.
Art Prufer
CRYA #1189 Can 42

Art Prufer
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Re: Waiting for ruling on 'Billboard'

Post by Art Prufer » 26 Mar 2024, 16:12

Thank you for posting the answer in the Q&A section.
Art Prufer
CRYA #1189 Can 42

Bruce Andersen
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Re: Waiting for ruling on 'Billboard'

Post by Bruce Andersen » 13 Nov 2024, 22:47

Looks like it should be measured as additional sail area!

Some time ago, some boom vangs were quite large CF plates and they were outlawed along the same line of though
Bruce Andersen - USA 16
In my private capacity, not as Chairman of IRSA

Art Prufer
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Re: Waiting for ruling on 'Billboard'

Post by Art Prufer » 19 Dec 2024, 17:33

Bruce Andersen wrote:
13 Nov 2024, 22:47
Looks like it should be measured as additional sail area!

Some time ago, some boom vangs were quite large CF plates and they were outlawed along the same line of though
Hi Bruce, It has been approved as class legal. I guess the difference is the boom vang is in the same plane as the mainsail and rotates with it.
It is also considered as rigging, whereas the billboard is static and considered part of the hull deck structure.

The ruling is here:
"Question:Having in mind closed rules nature of the IOM Class Rules and that deck is not an ERS defined term is there any restriction on placing vertical part on the IOM deck (like one on the photo? "
Art Prufer
CRYA #1189 Can 42

Bruce Andersen
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Re: Waiting for ruling on 'Billboard'

Post by Bruce Andersen » 24 Jan 2025, 22:17

opens up a whole new area of creative "deck" components I guess

also opens up a whole new area of creative plate vangs that pass through the appropriate size ring
Bruce Andersen - USA 16
In my private capacity, not as Chairman of IRSA

Bruce Andersen
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Re: Waiting for ruling on 'Billboard'

Post by Bruce Andersen » 03 Mar 2025, 23:48

I guess if a "deck" is undefined in the rules then any sort of unusual and unexplained protuberance could be considered legal eg. the bumps on the deck of a VISS

Section F rules concern rigs:

(a) Fittings and/or control lines may be combined provided their function is not extended beyond what is permitted.

I wonder if a similar statement belongs in the Section D (hull) and Section E (hull appendages) rules to staunch the proliferation of "rule beater" designs eg plate vangs, deck protuberances, deck billboards, etc.

I think most would agree that these are designed to increase surface area and limit the flow of air between the main boom and the "deck", but where does it stop?

If a manufacturer wanted to push the limits of design, get into an open design like Marblehead, RG65, or 10 Rater rather than muck up the IOM notion of a class with a closed rule.
Bruce Andersen - USA 16
In my private capacity, not as Chairman of IRSA

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