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AGM Resolution proposal: WC_AGM2006_06

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 10:12
by Andy Stevenson
A Proposal for a resolution for the 2006 AGM has been received:

Proposing NCA / WC Member:
Steve Landeau, NCA for USA

Subject: Mainsail Construction

Rule G.3
Add to G.3(a)(*): The luff must be attached to the mast.
Add to G.3(b)(*): With the exception of a double luff, any method of attachment is allowed.
Remove from G.3(b): Items 4,5,6,7,8.
G.3.3 - Dimensions: Remove luff fitting dimension.

The current rule allows for a full length wire, and an unlimited amount of wires 10mm or less. It seems senseless to disallow anything in-between.

Exec notes:
This is a special resolution and will require a ballot of Certified Owners.
Posted here for discussion and general comment.