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2006 World Council Annual General Meeting

Posted: 01 May 2006, 05:22
by awallin
Hi All,

The 2006 IOMICA WC AGM has been announced on the website: ... nounce.pdf

The important dates are:
17 July 2006: latest date to for world council members to submit proposals for resolutions.
31 July 2006: final agenda will be published
21 August 2006: voting strength will be finalized based on owner lists submitted by NCA representatives.
31July - 18September 2006: NCAs conduct owner ballot
18-25September: meeting dates. NCAs submit owner ballot results to IOMICA and results are published shortly after 25Sep.

This is a chance for all IOM owners to first propose and then decide on any class rule changes we want. Let's make the most of it !

Posted: 12 May 2006, 16:52
by Andy Stevenson
Greetings IOM sailors,

Following the announcement of the WC AGM, the World Council members have been made aware of the processes and timescales involved. I am hopeful that they will be in touch with their membership (you) in the near future.

My greatest fear in this process is that an understanding of the importance of the AGM is lost beneath an ever increasing covering of processes, regulations, bureaucracy and politics.

To this end I’d like to try and clear up any misconceptions & give people an idea of what this is all about. The AGM brings to life the whole purpose of an ICA, that being to allow the members of the class to directly influence the direction that class takes. You do this though your representative on the World Council; this is usually your NCA (National Class Association) representative or NCS (National Class Secretary).

Your NCA or NCS should have a method by which your views are heard, this process may result in a proposal for a change to the Class Rules, ICA regulations, Class Championship Rules or similar. The AGM is where this happens.

Once the AGM is announced WC members have a specified time to propose resolutions for the meeting, these resolutions are the changes etc. that the NCA / NCS have decided to put forward. Each NCA / NCS then ballots its membership on each resolution. This is your chance to vote.

The Executive Committee, as members of the Word Council, also propose resolutions. In this instance the resolutions likely to come from the Exec will be centred on maintaining the meaning and intent of the Class Rules in light of changes to the RRS & ERS as well as incorporating Class Rule interpretations.

Details of the proposed resolutions will be posted to the public forums as they come in, allowing all to discuss & ask questions. Again, this is designed to ensure everyone understands each resolution before being asked to vote.

So, what do you need to do? Your right to vote is not automatic; you must register with your NCA /NCS to be eligible. Make sure you’re aware of the process your NCA / NCS will use to ballot their members and watch out for it. Not all will be the same, postal, email, web etc. could all be used. If you have a burning desire to see the class changed in some way, or a great idea for the way an IOM is built, sailed, measured, regulated, competed etc. then contact your NCA / NCS.

Your NCA / NCS is your voice, make sure it’s heard. Talk to them at the lake, email them, write to them, lobby them, hassle and hound them. Make sure they’re listening to you & putting your views forward.