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Class Meeting at IOM World's

Posted: 04 Jun 2005, 00:41
by RoyL
Has any thought been given to a computer link to the IOM General Meeting at this year's IOM World Championship so that the meeting could be observed by those not in attendance?

Re: Class Meeting at IOM World's

Posted: 04 Jun 2005, 08:44
by awallin
RoyL wrote:Has any thought been given to a computer link to the IOM General Meeting at this year's IOM World Championship so that the meeting could be observed by those not in attendance?
Not yet, but we could try to do something.

Do you have any particular software in mind ? Preferably free !

Posted: 05 Jun 2005, 21:52
by awallin
It's now clear that we will have one or two computers available with mobile cdma internet access. Possibly we'll also have a projector for powerpoint or similar.

At a bare minimum we can summarize what happened and write here to the forum after the meeting.

I'll consider any suggestions you would have for a more live text/voice/video(?) solution.