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IOMICA Annual Report 2004

Posted: 05 Feb 2005, 17:26
by awallin
The Executive committee has put together the IOMICA Annual Report for last year and it is now downloadable from our website

draft Race Management Manual (see para 6.3 of Annual Report)

Posted: 18 Feb 2005, 22:27
by Richard Rowan
Paragraph 6.3 of the 2004 Report refers to a draft Race Management Manual. You note that this has already been adopted by the RYA for its training and certification programme.

I have had a good hunt around and have found no other reference or link to this document.

I think it would be very appropriate for the NCA for GBR to have a sight of this document, as the NCA for GBR / MYA is currently looking into a similar document with the objective of certifing UK race officers.

Who has prepared the document and who has reviewed the document on behalf of the IOMNCA.

Posted: 19 Feb 2005, 22:43
by awallin
The document has been prepared by the IOMICA events sub-committee and approved by the executive committee.

I have been traveling and will not be at my computer until monday 21st but shortly after that I will update the IOMICA website with a number of documents that the events sub-committee has produced recently.