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Voting at 2007 Worlds

Posted: 22 Sep 2007, 16:22
by jeffbyerley
My attention has been brought to the comments on the subject of voting on resolutions, ie 2 resolutions being voted on as a combined vote etc.
After reading the postings I think it is timely to reflect on the upcoming WC AGM 2007, and the importance of the need to vote in a way that takes the class forward, and out of the sphere of some past regimes, where in my humble opinion, reason went out the door and was replaced by overpedantic and overbearing rulings which might have appeared to the layman to be driven by other forces.
I am referring to some of the technical and class rule decisions made over the past few years and generally soon after IOMICA was formed.
Hopefully the officers voted in will continue in the manner of the more recent office bearers.
I guess that is dependent on the voting at the AGM.
Probably leaving myself open to be shot down here, but I think sometimes that if you stick your head up out of the trenches, the snipers aim is not too good!.

:D :D