2009 AGM

Discuss how IOMICA and IOM NCAs operate

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Andy Stevenson
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2009 AGM

Post by Andy Stevenson » 12 Mar 2009, 23:24

Specifics are yet to be finalised, however the 2009 AGM will be held at the World Championships in BAR. This gives a nominal deadline for resolutions and Exec Officer nominations of 18 April.

The Exec plan a resolution for a way forward accounting for the changes afoot with RSD, the details of this resolution are an ongoing issue with the World Council, details will follow.

Andy Stevenson
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Post by Andy Stevenson » 22 Mar 2009, 20:09

The date has been confirmed as the 23rd June. That gives a cut off for resolutions and nominations of 14th April.

Andy Stevenson
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Post by awallin » 13 Apr 2009, 16:04

I have just worked out the important dates, and refreshed my memory about the exec nomination/voting process. I've announced the meeting on our website:


Ken Dobbie
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Post by Ken Dobbie » 14 Apr 2009, 04:04

I can't see how we can post the notice of meeting one day and close resolutions and nominations the day following.

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Post by RoyL » 14 Apr 2009, 05:15

I agree 100 percent Ken. The exec is working on extending the time into May. Expect revised dates to be announced shortly.

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Post by awallin » 14 Apr 2009, 09:17

The website has now been updated, and we felt that it made sense to accept proposals for resolutions until the same deadline we have for nominations to the exec, May 12th, 2009. That means the agenda will be available shortly after, we hope on May 13th. And NCAs have between May 13th, and the meeting date to perform owner-ballot.
Anders Wallin

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Post by Alfonso » 14 Apr 2009, 10:35

Gentleman, please be serious just for one time. It is supposed that the Exec should work to enforce the rules not to ignore them.

The period to propose the resolution that will be voted in the next AGM is clearly stated in Regulations 4.6. If we ignore this rule we are creating a bad precedent and then who will decide which rules are good and which rules can be ignored.

I also think that the period stated in IOM ICA regulations makes sense because the VCTechnical has two weeks to read and study the proposals and propose any change before the Agenda will be published. With the new period that time will be reduced to one day.

In this post you can read that Andy stated the 14th of April as the deadline, it was not published in the main page but that is not relevant.

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Post by RoyL » 14 Apr 2009, 18:37

Alfonso: Do not ever suggest that the volunteers who staff the Exec of IOMICA are not serious about their responsibilities or act without consideration of the best interest of the class and its members.

Please also remember it is not the job of the Exec as you claim to "enforce the rules". The Exec is elected by the membership and its job is to serve them. Decisions are always made in light of what course will do the most good and the least harm. We were not elected to be the police!

It was thought that giving the NCAs and the members of the class additional time to make proposals would be a benefit to the class. This is particularly so since under our regulations, nominations for new officers will be kept open until May for any positions for which there was only a single person nominated. To therefore not extend the time for proposals would be a triumph of form over substance and benefit no one.

I have always believed that when confronted with an absolute literal interpretation of rules and regulations versus common sense, flexibiity and giving more power to our class members I favor the later.

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Post by awallin » 14 Apr 2009, 21:49

Candidates for the Exec received as of 14 Apr in my part of the world are now posted on the website:

Nominations will stay open until May 12th, and I will update the website whenever more candidates/nominations come in.

We've received a number of proposals for resolutions from ESP. I'm hoping we can publish these soon so there is time for discussion before the agenda is finalized.
Anders Wallin

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Post by Alfonso » 14 Apr 2009, 23:58

RoyL wrote:Alfonso: Do not ever suggest that the volunteers who staff the Exec of IOMICA are not serious about their responsibilities or act without consideration of the best interest of the class and its members
Roy I do not like the way you talk to me but I am not going to follow your style. Instead let me remind you some rules to clarify this issue.
RoyL wrote:Please also remember it is not the job of the Exec as you claim to "enforce the rules". The Exec is elected by the membership and its job is to serve them. Decisions are always made in light of what course will do the most good and the least harm. We were not elected to be the police!
IOM Constitution wrote:8.1. The World Council shall consist of the Officers, one Representative of each Member NCA, and each Member NCS.
8.2. The members of the World Council shall be bound by this Constitution and shall comply with all resolutions and Regulations made in accordance with this Constitution. Member NCAs and NCSs shall use their best endeavours to ensure that their Owners also comply with such resolutions and Regulations.

Bruce Andersen
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Post by Bruce Andersen » 15 Apr 2009, 01:44

We probably need to clarify how Section 9.3 of our Constitution is also interpreted and/or enforced:

9.1. The IOM ICA shall have the following Officers:
9.1.1. Chairman
9.1.2. Vice Chairman (Technical)
9.1.3. At least one other Vice Chairman, and no more than three other Vice Chairmen
9.1.4. Secretary
9.1.5. Treasurer
9.2. The Officers shall be Registered Owners.
9.3. No Officer shall be a Member NCA Representative or a Member NCS.
9.4. The Regulations provide for the method of election of Officers.

Seems as though we ought to keep things consistent: a strict interpretation would have us keep to the published time lines for elections and proposals, but would also disqualify Alphonso as a candidate in the upcoming elections.

Personally I think some leeway should be permitted - both on the timing issues and on the candidacy issues - after all this is a sport and we are supposed to be friends.

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Post by RoyL » 15 Apr 2009, 04:49

Alfonso: Sorry you don't like the way I stand up to defend the people who have kept this organization alive and growing for the past five years.

And to follow up on what Bruce pointed out below, a strict interpretation of the constitution would also disqualify Olivier Cohen, NCA representative from France for running for VC Events.
Last edited by RoyL on 15 Apr 2009, 07:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by awallin » 15 Apr 2009, 06:51

The exec nominations have been updated, and the proposals for resolutions sent in by ESP can now be downloaded from our website

If you've sent in a candidate form or a nomination, but it's not on the website, please re-send it to me (anders.wallin "at" helsinki.fi) and I will update the website.
Anders Wallin

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Olivier Cohen
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Post by Olivier Cohen » 15 Apr 2009, 09:16

RoyL wrote:Alfonso: Sorry you don't like the way I stand up to defend the people who have kept this organization alive and growing for the past five years.

And to follow up on what Bruce pointed out below, a strict interpretation of the constitution would also disqualify Olivier Cohen, NCA representative from France for running for VC Events.
Thanks Roy and Bruce to take care of our interpretation of constitution.
But did you read candidate form ?
Candidate Form wrote:If elected, I undertake to resign [my position within my DM, NCA, or as NCS] (delete as necessary) within four months of election.
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Post by Alfonso » 15 Apr 2009, 10:20

Dear Bruce and RoyL,

I think that Olivier has clarified the situation, but I also suggest a reading of ESP proposals for the next AGM (number 2 and 3).

This is important because I am not ignoring the rules, but when I think they can be improved I propose a change so owners can vote it and take the decision.

Ken Dobbie
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Post by Ken Dobbie » 15 Apr 2009, 11:52

9.3. No Officer shall be a Member NCA Representative or a Member NCS.
This clause was deleted in its entirety (Resolution 2.2 2007 AGM)

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Olivier Cohen
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Post by Olivier Cohen » 15 Apr 2009, 12:15

Ken, I believe regulation 5.3 was deleted, not 9.3 constitution.

http://www.iomclass.org/wp-content/2007 ... inutes.pdf

Indeed, candidate form should also be modified.
IOMICA Chairman

Ken Dobbie
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Post by Ken Dobbie » 15 Apr 2009, 13:19

Ken, I believe regulation 5.3 was deleted, not 9.3 constitution.

Agreed, sorry for the confusion.

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Post by Alfonso » 15 Apr 2009, 13:20

Ken, I think that Olivier is right, if you agree with him I will delete our Proposal 3.

The reason of the mistake was that I have been working with the old version of Regulations.

Ken Dobbie
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Post by Ken Dobbie » 15 Apr 2009, 13:26

9.3 still applies

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Post by RoyL » 15 Apr 2009, 20:11

And technically, the candidate form is just a form and does not override the class constitution.

However, this has always been an exec that believes in practical solutions to problems including allowing all declared candidates to run for office regardless if an exact reading of the rules could lead to a contrary conclusion.

Perhaps there is a lesson here?

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Post by awallin » 16 May 2009, 15:49

There's now an agenda at the top of our website:


Richard Rowan
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Post by Richard Rowan » 21 May 2009, 18:11

I have undertaken to compile the vote for the NCA for GBR in the forthcoming AGM.

Currently, I have an up-to-date list of owners ready to submit to IOMICA - this will be submitted in the form of a pdf file. To whom should this emailed ?
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Post by awallin » 21 May 2009, 18:20

Richard Rowan wrote: Currently, I have an up-to-date list of owners ready to submit to IOMICA - this will be submitted in the form of a pdf file. To whom should this emailed ?
Hello Richard, please email to me, anders.wallin "at" helsinki.fi


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Post by awallin » 24 May 2009, 13:38

Hi All,

I've updated our website with the voting-strength information I have received so far.

If you are an NCA representative: you must send in an owners-list before May 26th to determine your voting strength.

If you are an IOM-owner: Please encourage your NCA to send in an owners list before the deadline in order for your votes to count at the AGM.

We don't have any rules or regulations for being relaxed with this deadline so I will gather the info I have on Wednesday May 27th and call that the final voting strength for the meeting.


Richard Rowan
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Post by Richard Rowan » 25 May 2009, 23:23

Could a member of the outgoing executive please confirm which resolutions at the AGM are to voted on by both certificated and registered owners and which are to be voted on only by certificated owners.
Richard Rowan
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Post by awallin » 26 May 2009, 10:48

The relevant text is 8.8 of our constitution
http://www.iomclass.org/const/IOMICA_Co ... 2jul01.pdf

If I read that correctly the resolutions shall be voted on as follows:

4.1. Selection of the IOMICA Executive Committee for 2009-2011
Registered owners

4.2. Class Rule change to allow a battery indicator.
Certificated owners

4.3. Class Rule change to forbid the movement of corrector weights between heats
Certificated owners

4.4. Class Rule change to to forbid the use of remote control and related
equipment to trim the boat. (Appendix 4)
Certificated owners

4.5. Change IOMICA Constitution to remove restrictions to become an IOMICA Officer (Appenidx 5)
Certificated owners

4.6. Eliminate section 7.4 of our Constitution. (Appendix 6)
Certificated owners

4.7. Task incoming IOMICA Exec with investigating affiliating with ISAF as an international class. The Exec will bring these data to the WC for discussion and vote prior to a final commitment regarding ISAF affiliation.
Registered owners
Anders Wallin

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Post by Roy648 » 03 Jun 2009, 00:20

Hi Anders,

Could you please advise the procedure and date for sending Proxy votes.

Roy Granich

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Post by awallin » 04 Jun 2009, 08:57

Hi All,

The traditional method is to either be present in person at the meeting, or to write a proxy for someone who will be present in person at the meeting. Remember that on request NCA's should be able to demonstrate the results of owner ballot - so you can't just sign off to someone else, you have to conduct owner ballot and you have to vote according to what your members want..

Another (better?) way is to submit the votes electronically in advance. This way they can be recorded on a spreadsheet and less of the meeting time is spent counting votes (basically a boring task). This has little downside to it since each NCA's votes are based on owner ballot and hence 'set in stone' anyway prior to the meeting.

The proxy form should be online on our website for those NCAs who want to be present by proxy.

I'll try to come up with a form for submitting votes electronically in advance. I'll upload it to the website and announce here.


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Post by Roy648 » 04 Jun 2009, 09:34

Hi Anders,

What date would be the last for submitting electronically?

I have my email to members ready but want to be able to put a return date on that.

Roy Granich

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