Who select the host city from among several candidates?

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Pedro Egea
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Who select the host city from among several candidates?

Post by Pedro Egea » 22 Jan 2009, 20:17

I was surprised that the decision to select the candidate to organize the World Championship 2009 has been deal with a note of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the IOMICA, without further ado.

We're used to seeing a greater dossier and a ballot count , when determining a candidate city to organize something. I know that there has not been consulted the Word Council, which is the body having the direction of the IOMICA, and the note said he had been the Vice President of Events which has "accepted" the request for the nomination.

The rules, that I know, to take into account, to select the candidate are:
5.1. An Organising Authority wishing to host a Championship shall apply to the IOM ICA in good time ….
In short, there must be an appropriate request, in time, it said 12 months before, ...
IOM CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP REGULATIONS. February 21, 2008. wrote: 5.2. The application shall clearly state the Organising Authority's acceptance of the obligations……. ... .... by completing the Championship Questionnaire ….. "
And now the more important question: Who decides and how?
IOM CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP REGULATIONS. February 21, 2008. wrote:" 5.3. The IOM ICA shall consider all applications for Championships and make decisions based upon:
(i) The suitability of the proposed site.
(ii) The response to the Championship Questionnaire.
(iii) The best possible circulation of Championships around the World and Continents. "
Who decides? : The previous article says that the IOM ICA will consider ... and decide. So the IOMICA decides.
Who is the IOMICA? . It is the International Association of Class IOM. (As defined in "INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION CLASS ONE METER INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS. September, 2008)

Who governs on behalf of the IOMICA?. The World Council.
Of the Constitution: 5. GOVERNANCE wrote:5.1. The IOM ICA shall be governed by the World Council and its affairs and property shall be managed and administered on an ongoing basis by its Executive Committee in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and the IOM ICA Regulations.
It seems that the executionn of task of current management or take emergency resolutions,which later must ratify the World, corresponds to the Executive Committee and the subcommittees.
But neither appears as a task of the Events Subcommittee to select the host candidate of an event , according to the regulation of IOMICA.
regulation of IOMICA . 10.1.1. Events Sub-committee wrote:The duties of the Events Sub-committee shall broadly be to assist event organisers to hold IOM World and Continental Championships and other events of International standing in appropriate locations and to proper standards. The Events Sub-committee shall be responsible for the Class Championship Rhules. The chairman shall be the Vice Chairman (Events).
I can not find where to consult more documentation. This issue of choosing the host from among several candidates headquarters could have so much significance, impact on the class, etc, that it should be more clearly regulated. Or not?

The original Spanish-language post : http://www.velarc.es/bitacora/?p=223
Last edited by Pedro Egea on 10 Feb 2009, 17:02, edited 1 time in total.
Pedro Egea


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Post by RoyL » 22 Jan 2009, 22:59

Pedro: A while ago, the exact question you posted was asked on the World Council section of this forum and our chairman, Andy, answered by saying the ultimate question of awarding a World Championship was probably in the hands of the IOMICA executive committee and its events sub-committee under the terms of IOMICA's rules and regulations.

On that very same thread it was also posted that regardless of the "letter of the law" the opinions of all World Council members were solicited and would be much appreciated. FYI, very few WC members followed up and expressed an opinion.

I can also say that the merits of each bid were heavily discussed by the IOMICA exec and the decision to award the event to Barbados was not made casually. The process even included written inquiries back to both bidders requesting further information to clarify the decision making process. At the end of the process, the decision was pretty much unanimous, with Barbados being awarded the Worlds and Spain being encouraged to hold the next Continental Championship.

Nevertheless, there is a new Annual General Meeting to be held in connection with the upcoming World Championship and if you believe that a new, more formal set of rules for selecting and voting on World and Continental Championships is necessary, you should by all means put forward a proposed rule change.

Personally, I thought the process was handled pretty well and fairly this time, but I also believe you can never have too much input and democracy in making a decision.

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Post by Andy Stevenson » 23 Jan 2009, 00:26

Hi Pedro
This issue of choosing the host [...] should be more clearly regulated
Agreed, you’re quite right. Olivier asked the same question during the Exec’s deliberations:

This thread is part of the World Council forum and not accessible to all; I’ve duplicated my post here:
IOMICA CCR 5.3 covers selection of the WC host:
CCR 5.3 wrote: The IOM ICA shall consider all applications for Championships and make decisions based
(i) The suitability of the proposed site.
(ii) The response to the Championship Questionnaire.
(iii) The best possible circulation of Championships around the World and Continents.
Ultimately I think the decision lies with VC Events and the ESC. Bruce is, of course, likely to be open to opinions and suggestions from interested parties.
I couldn’t find the specifics of a process for choosing in the IOMICA regulations either.

Input was sought from the World Council, other interested parties made their opinions known. I was sufficiently happy with the way it worked not to pursue a change.

It’s unmistakeably the responsibility of the ESC, if you have ideas about how the process might be altered I’d be very keen to hear them.

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Post by Alfonso » 23 Jan 2009, 10:43

Bruce is, of course, likely to be open to opinions and suggestions from interested parties.
Dear Andy, how the members of the WC are going to make any suggestions or comments if we couldn't see the questionnaires submited for both parties.

I asked the Exec to show this questionnaire, at least the questionnaire of BAR and at least to the WC, but I am still waiting.

I also duplicate my post:
Frankly I don't understand why for the previous EC, where there were only one bid, we could see the questionnaire and for this WC, with two countries bidding, the questionnaires have not been published. Can we see this questionnaire to know where we are going to race?

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Post by Andy Stevenson » 23 Jan 2009, 11:09

Hi Alfonso
I asked the Exec to show this questionnaire, at least the questionnaire of BAR and at least to the WC, but I am still waiting
My apologies, I missed this. I’ve uploaded both applications to the World Council FTP site.

Andy Stevenson
"A little pain never hurt anyone!" Sam, aged 11

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Olivier Cohen
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Post by Olivier Cohen » 23 Jan 2009, 12:23

andy111 wrote:Hi Alfonso
I asked the Exec to show this questionnaire, at least the questionnaire of BAR and at least to the WC, but I am still waiting
My apologies, I missed this. I’ve uploaded both applications to the World Council FTP site.
Could you please inform WC (at least myself) how to access this FTP site?
IOMICA Chairman

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Post by Andy Stevenson » 23 Jan 2009, 15:11

Hi Olivier
how to access this FTP site
Instructions can be found in the WC InfoComms forum:

Andy Stevenson
"A little pain never hurt anyone!" Sam, aged 11

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