Our seventh, and, we believe, last e-mail "newsletter" to you (parts will also be posted on-line).
There are some DNMs who may not be familiar with the procedures for voting at the 2014 GA as laid down by the IRSA Executive Committee.
Your DNM vote will NOT count if you do not notify the Secretary of the details of your DNM GA representative. The deadline for this is 23:00GMT on 25th April 2014 – you have one more day if you are BEL, CAN, CZE, FIN, FRA, ITA, JPN, POL, or POR.
"Under clause 6.2 of the constitution, each Member is required to give written notice of their Representative prior to the appointed time for the start of the GA. However, in order that the necessary pre-meeting administration can be carried out, the deadline for this notification to be received by the General Secretary will be 23:00GMT on 25th April 2014 (ie 7 days prior to the formal commencement of the GA)." ... 4-main.htm, "Documents" tab, "Procedures and Notes applying to the GA" document.
Your DNM vote will NOT count if your DNM GA representative does not register their attendance at the GA.
"Where a Member has not registered their attendance at the meeting prior to agenda items (9) and (11) being dealt with, their vote will be excluded from the relevant count." "Procedures and Notes applying to the GA" document.
Most radio sailors probably know more about the workings, discussions, and decisions of their national secret service than they do about IRSA. We will seek to change that.
It is true that some things need to be discussed and decided behind closed doors. They tend to be things where people could get hurt or property damaged. Anything else is probably better discussed and decided openly. Errors are more likely to be spotted and constituents are more likely to feel that justice is being done and being seen to be done. If elected,
• We will set up an IRSA Executive Committee blog site. Every quarter or thereabouts, each executive committee portfolio owner (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Technical, Racing, Events, Infocomms, Classes) will blog about their portfolio matters.
• A particular feature of the proposed blog site is to give visibility to likely future matters on the planning horizons of the various EC committees (Technical, Racing, Events, Classes).
• We will publish how EC and committee officers vote on the proposals and resolutions which are put before them.
We hope you are sympathetic to the CEEFIE manifesto, and ask that you please vote for the CEEFIE candidates. CEEFIE are a determined group of concerned volunteers from a large variety of backgrounds with a common goal of wishing to make a difference in our sport, please help us achieve this by electing the whole group in May.
The CEEFIE candidates
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Chairman Lester Gilbert (GBR)
Vice Chairman Eric van der Kindere (BEL)
General Secretary / Treasurer Henning Faas (GER)
Racing Committee Chairman Nigel Winkley (GER)
Technical Committee Chairman Graham Bantock (GBR)
Organisation & Policy Committee Chairman Terry Rensch (GBR)
Publicity Officer Pedro Egea (ESP)
Regional Officer Americas Patrice Montero (FRA)
Regional Officer Europe Matteo Longhi (ITA)
Regional Officer Oceania Selwyn Holland (AUS)