Barbados Worlds 2009 International One Metre Notice Of Race

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Sen Peter Gilkes
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Barbados Worlds 2009 International One Metre Notice Of Race

Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 29 Dec 2008, 14:07


IOMICA Notice of Race

2009 International One Metre
World Championship Regatta

Hosted by The Barbados Sailing Association

1. Venue
The International One Metre Class 2009 Championship will be held at Carlisle Bay on the South Western coast of Barbados.
2. Programme
20 March 2009 Initial closing date for entries
3 April 2009 Allocation of places
1 June 2009 Final date for submission of IOM Class Certificates
20 June 2009 Registration, Practice, Equipment Inspection, Opening Ceremony
21-27 June 2009 Racing days

24 June 2009 Reserve day (The day may be used for racing if 12 – 15 completed races have not been achieved at the end of racing on day three)
27 June 2009 Final racing day [9.30 & end 1430hrs]
27 June 2009 Award ceremony 1700 hrs
3. Rules
3.1. The event will be governed by the 'rules' as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing, including the IOMICA Class Championship Rules, this Notice of Race (NoR), the Sailing Instructions (SI), the International One Metre Class Rules, and the Equipment Rules of Sailing.
3.2. The Sailing Instructions shall prevail in case of conflict with this Notice of Race, except where Rule 63.7 applies.
3.3. The English language version of these documents shall prevail.
3.4. No national authority prescriptions will apply.
4. Organising Authority
4.1. The International One Metre 2009 Championship is organised by the Barbados 2009 IOM sub committee under the auspices of the Barbados Sailing Association, as approved by the International One Metre International Class Association.
5. Eligibility
5.1. The competition is open to International One Metre class boats selected by an IOM National Class Association in good standing with IOMICA. The ISAF Regulations regarding eligibility apply with the additional requirements of the IOMICA Class Championship Regulations.
6. Registration
6.1. A valid IOM Class Certificate for each boat must be submitted on or before June 1st, 2009. A fax copy is acceptable; however the original must be made available at registration. Boats shall be presented for registration and equipment inspection on June 20th, 2009. The Race Committee may extend the time for registration and inspection if there is a valid reason to do so. No boat shall be eligible to race until it has been registered and has passed equipment inspection.
7. Scoring and Racing System
7.1. The Championship will be raced and scored under the Heat Management System (HMS). Entries shall be limited to 84 boats.
8. Umpires
8.1. ISAF International Umpires or International Judges shall be appointed as umpires. National Judges and National Umpires may be appointed to assist.
8.2. Competitors may be required to undertake Observer duties. Experienced Radio Sailing personnel may be appointed to record boat and buoy contacts and penalty turns.
9. Sailing instructions
9.1. The sailing instructions will be provided by the end of the period of registration.
10. International Jury
10.1. An International Jury conforming to RRS Appendix N shall be appointed. RRS 70.4 will apply. Furthermore, the right of appeal is denied to the extent that a boat's transfer to subsequent heats is affected.
11. Entries
11.1. Entries shall only be accepted when made using the Official IOM 2009 Championship Entry Form. Entry forms and fees must be received by the organisers on or before March 20th, 2009. Entries must be endorsed by the NCA entering the competitor.
11.2. The entry fee of US$445 per competitor together with the IOMICA & local radio license fee of US$55 per competitor (total fee US$500), net of bank charges, is to be paid with the submission of the entry. These fees may be paid by bank draft made payable to The Barbados Sailing Association as follows:
Mail The Barbados Sailing Association
P.O Box 40
Bridgetown BARBADOS, W.I BB11000

Wire transfer Please see Appendix C for full wire transfer details

Credit card Barbados Yacht Club

Phone number : 1 246 427 7318
Fax number : 1 246 435 7590

[Note a 3% surcharge will apply]
12. Equipment Inspection
12.1. It is intended that all boats will pass equipment inspection on [Saturday June 20th 2009]. Nonetheless, the Race Committee may at any time request the Equipment Inspector to confirm that a boat complies with the IOM Class Rules. Random spot checks may be made throughout the event.
13. Frequencies
13.1. The permitted frequency bands are [26, 27, 40, 50,75MHz & Wifi 2.4 GHz]. Each competitor must have a minimum of 6 frequencies available. An exception to the minimum number of frequencies is granted in the case of systems operating on 2.4 GHz.

14. Prizes
14.1. Prizes will be awarded to the first ten (10) positions in the final results. Participation prizes will be given to all competitors. As well as Daily first prizes will be given.
15. Liability
15.1. All those entering or taking part in this Championship do so at their own risk and responsibility. ISAF, ISAF – RSD, the International One Metre International Class Association, the Barbados Sailing Association sponsors or any of their employees, members or representatives and any other parties involved in the organisation of this event disclaim any and every responsibility whatsoever for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that might occur to persons and goods, both ashore and on the water as a consequence of entering or participating in the Championship covered by this Notice of Race.
15.2. At all times the responsibility for the safety of their boat and themselves including the decision to participate or continue shall rest with the competitor. By entering the event it is deemed that you accept these conditions. Competitors are advised to ensure that they have adequate personal insurance that provides cover for public liability and their possible injury or loss or damage of equipment on The Island of Barbados.
16. Accommodation, transport, etc
16.1. Appendix A contains a list of accommodation packages and costs.
16.2. Appendix B contains the list of social, food and transport packages and their costs available to competitors, partners, and supporters.
17. Event and venue information
17.1. Venue details and links are available on the Web Page– this is forthcoming
17.2. Event information updates will be posted on the Web site for the 2009 World One Meter Championships Regatta at (please note: this site is now being updated and will be in full operation shortly)
17.3. Enquiries may be e-mailed to:

Please see

This will be forth coming



Wires-incoming instructions – Barbados branches
U.S. Dollars
Pay to: J P Morgan Chase
1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10081
ABA #021000021

F/C Royal Bank of Canada Bridgetown
A/C 001-1-879-327 Swift : ROYCBBBB
Barbados Sailing Association IOM acc# 3109 1701

Canadian Dollars
Pay to: Royal Bank of Canada
Transit no. 09591 6th Floor
180 Wellington Street
West Toronto
M5J 1J1 Canada

F/C Royal Bank of Canada Bridgetown Barbados
A/C 241-503-2 Swift ROYCBBBB
Barbados Sailing Association IOM acc # 3109 1701

Sterling Dollars
Pay to: Royal Bank of Canada
71 Queen Victoria Street
London, EC4V 4DE
United Kingdom
Iban@: GB79ROYC60014303003480

f/c: Royal Bank of Canada Bridgetown Barbados
A/C 300-348-0 Swift: ROYCBBBB
Barbados Sailing Association IOM acc# 3109 1701

Euro Dollars
Pay to: Societe Generale S.A
8 Avenue des Olympiades
94120 Fontenay sous bois

F/C Royal Bank of Canada
A/C 001015200710
Barbados Sailing Association IOM acc# 3109 1701

Please ensure that the remitter’s name is included in transfers
Last edited by Sen Peter Gilkes on 11 Jan 2009, 02:15, edited 1 time in total.

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Olivier Cohen
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Post by Olivier Cohen » 29 Dec 2008, 16:40

7.1. The Championship will be raced and scored under the Heat Management System (HMS). Entries shall be limited to 84 boats.
Is this validated by IOMICA?

Only 4 promoted?
IOMICA Chairman

Bruce Andersen
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Post by Bruce Andersen » 02 Jan 2009, 07:21

The mailing address for applications is:

IOM World Championship Regatta
P.O. Box 40
Bridgetown, Barbados
BB 11000

John Taylor
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Entry Fees

Post by John Taylor » 03 Jan 2009, 12:39

The following issues have just appeared on the UK MYA Forum. Maybe the powers that be for the Worlds can answer these issues. It would be interesting to hear what they have to say.


Rob Walsh
Fri Jan 02 2009, 01:24PM

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Was wondering who was planning to go to Barbados for the IOM Worlds. Also wondering people opinion on the £350 entrance fee! As my view is this is now getting silly.
My first IOM international race cost £80 at Fleetwood for the EC, how can we now be at £350 especially when the racing has not got better due to the Umpiring.
This in my eyes is the reason why it costs so much!

The best International race that i have been to by far was the RM Worlds at Fleetwood where we used the buddy system. This has been recognised by skippers as a good system hence why in Marseille the skippers protested and got that system used! This race was also alot cheaper than the international IOM races!

So I was wondering .Why is it so expensive?

Why are organisational committees not listening to the competitors as at the end of the day we will pay what we have too if we want to go to compete.
Howeve r not when things are not getting better!

Would like your views!

[ Edited Fri Jan 02 2009, 05:57PM ]
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Fri Jan 02 2009, 09:18PM

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After looking at the Barbados website, I see their are prizes to be given to the final top 10 skippers, with additional prizes given after each day. At the moment though there doesn't seem to be any further information on what is included for your entry fee. Such as a regatta reception or mid regatta BBQ.

I can only give an educational guess for the fee being so large.

1. Use of the club house. (If there is one)
2. Boat storage hiring costs
3. Fuel for the rescue boat.
4. Daily food for the competitors
5. Race management expenditure and admin
6. Possible hiring of the water space (maybe)
7. Prizes, engraving etc
8. Prize giving dinner for the competitors??
9. Any Insurance if needed.
10. Printed shirts/hats etc (Possible)

These are just items off the top of my head. For the entry fee to be so high this time, if these are not included just for starters, I would want to know why!!

Additionally, is there any sponsorship, maybe thats why the entry fee is extremely high?


Please veiw my yachting profile on the new Tri-Services Radio Sailing Association webpage.

Click on the 2009 Championship link and go to the Previous Winners page

Please veiw my new design IOM Website
My new Website

Skippers are invited to view the Tri-Services Website

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 04 Jan 2009, 14:50

Dear Mr Walsh,

I think if you were to review the cost of entry to other previous Worlds you would realise that the cost of this event is no more than any other event.

You may not realise it but the cost of your entry fee alone will not by any stretch cover the cost of hosting an event of this size, when one considers the cost of bringing judges to Barbados and providing accommodation and taking care of them during their stay, or the cost of setting up a suitable base from which to carry out the sailing, or the cost of storage etc.

Let me assure you that we have done our work from this end and the budget is much higher than the proceeds of the entry fee and being a good business person as I am sure you are, we have had to find a way to finance the difference but were it to come from the entry fee alone your fee would be more the double what it presently is.

Also you ought to remember that a part of this fee goes towards the IOMICA organization and there is a telecommunications fee payable to the Government of Barbados which has all been included and yet still it does not exceed the cost of the entry fee for the last two Worlds events.

Having come onboard rather late in the program and having been asked to host this event we are doing so from a position where we are uncertain to gather the type of support, sponsorship and financing required to support this venture but we as a group will make sure that it is successful even if personal efforts have to be made to do so.

Trust that this has helped to calm your fears on the matter, we look forward to welcoming you to Barbados in June for a great regatta and a great holiday.

Best regards,
Sen Peter Gilkes

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 14 Jan 2009, 15:40

We are in the process of going thru our staffing requirements for the Worlds event and to this end I would like to suggest that if they are any of you planning on visiting Barbados for the event and not sailing and would like to offer your help, you may do so by sending either myself an email at or the organiser Penny an email at to offer your time and services and stating your area of knowledge.

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 28 Jan 2009, 03:19

For the information of those coming to Barbados Via London, we are in the final stages of our discussions with VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRLINES to secure a very special rate on the London / Barbados return portion of your travel arrangements, as soon as this is concluded and the details are known I will post it both here and on the website.

We felt that it would be possible to arrange a very special air travel deal for our visitors for this event and we set about to make this a reality.

Also as noted before we the organising committee for this event have decided to cover the cost of your daily travel arrangements for anyone staying at LITTLE GOOD HARBOUR HOTEL please see their website at when making reservations please mention the IOM Worlds to secure the rate that we have arranged on your behalf.

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 29 Jan 2009, 16:38

I am pleased to offer the rates as per below:

We have held 50 economy seats departing London Gatwick Airport on VS029 on June 18th and returning to Gatwick on June 28th on the VS30 - 10 days in Barbados, at a rate of US$655 inclusive of all taxes and for children under 12 US$573 inclusive of all taxes. All tickets must be paid for in full by April 17th to maintain this price.

I hope this is the information you need to put on the website and they must call Kim Rawlins on 1 800 744 7477 or e-mail her at for bookings.

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Post by Lester » 01 Feb 2009, 10:54

Hi Peter

Went looking for the Notice of Race on the Web site. ... 20Race.pdf

Received "The page cannot be found".
"The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. "

Am I doing something wrong, please? Thanks!
Lester Gilbert

Andy Stevenson
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Post by Andy Stevenson » 01 Feb 2009, 18:43

Andy Stevenson
"A little pain never hurt anyone!" Sam, aged 11

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 03 Feb 2009, 03:25

The site has been updated and is fully functional once again.

Bruce Andersen
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Post by Bruce Andersen » 09 Feb 2009, 17:57

Please note that, as in the past, sailors that desire places in the 2009 World Championship Regatta that are not represented by a National Class Association or that have significantly contributed to IOM sailing may request guest spots. ESC has 10 to award.

Send your completed application (without $$) to me for consideration.

Sen Peter Gilkes
Posts: 65
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 02 Apr 2009, 05:43

Please note that at this stage the Barbados Organising Committee of the IOM Worlds has 10 guest spots available for use, anyone looking to attend this regatta should make their intention known as soon as possible so that the final competitors list can be formalised

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 10 Apr 2009, 04:13

Please note that the Virgin Atlantic and the Little Good Harbour slots are filling up quite quickly now and should you be looking to book either of these two options, you may want to do so sooner rather than later.

On another housekeeping matter and to bring you up todate on our arrangements for the entry of your boats and associated other pieces of equipment, we have had discussions with our Comptroller Of Customs and he has requested that we furnish him with a list of the names of the competitors and the serial numbers of the hulls, so that we can present it to him in advance of the arrival of the competitors, this list will then be sent to the Customs at Grantley Adams International Airport where on arrival the competitor will present themselves to the Customs and your boat's Serial Number maybe checked off against the list that has been provided, no problems are to be expected with this process and no charges are to be paid for any of the equipment.

Bruce Andersen
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Post by Bruce Andersen » 10 Apr 2009, 06:42

Good idea! Can a similar arrangement be made for boats and equipment being shipped to Barbados in advance of the regatta for those of us who prefer not to lug all the boxes on the airlines? Thanks

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 10 Apr 2009, 19:05

This is going to be some what more involved and complicated to arrange but I am discussing it with those in authority to see what maybe able to be arranged.

Have you had any additional request for the remaining guest spots?

Our two visitors from Portugal have had to withdraw due to a death in the family, so our free spaces are still at 10 to the best of my knowledge, I really would like to have a full attendance for this event.

Bruce Andersen
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Post by Bruce Andersen » 11 Apr 2009, 01:37

sorry, no more requests for guest spots have been received.

Lana Butler
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Post by Lana Butler » 11 Apr 2009, 22:43

I have sent out a notice to CAN skippers and have 1 more skipper interested. I have forwarded the Entry to Penny.
Lana Butler
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Post by Lester » 11 Apr 2009, 22:49

If you can't fill the guest places with real guests (ie those who do not have an NCA to represent the IOM in their country), then why do you not allocate the places to NCAs according to the Stage 2 allocation process?
Lester Gilbert

Bruce Andersen
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Post by Bruce Andersen » 12 Apr 2009, 01:24

The guest spots were put back into the general pool immediately following Stage 1 allocations. I believe the Senator is confused by our rhetoric and is saying "guest spots" when he actually means "available spots not yet filled". Don't get upset Lester, we are doing it right.

ps. the definition of who qualifies for the guest spots was changed last AGM - you are using the old definition.

pps. Could you clarify for me the difference between "guests" and "real guests"? Sounds like a bit of sarcasm creeping in.

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 12 Apr 2009, 04:33

Lana, thanks for your great effort in getting this additional entry for the event and also for your massive effort with assisting us with matters that you are assisting us with, it is truly appreciated.

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 12 Apr 2009, 04:38

Bruce / Lester,

I really do not have the time nor the mindset to be distracted with non essential clutter, more to the point we now have nine places remaining open for the IOM BARBADOS WORLDS 2009, and we would like to fill each one of them.

Thanks and keep the entries coming into

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 13 Apr 2009, 02:48

We expect that very shortly we will be able to post the list of activities scheduled to be held during the IOM BARBADOS WORLDS 2009.

As things progress with our planning we can also now confirm that the organising committee will be setting up a desk in the arrivals section of the Grantley Adams International Airport, where you will be able to check in for the event, at this time each competitor will receive a free SIM Phone Card from one of our sponsors DIGICEL, along with a welcome to Barbados package provided by the Barbados Tourism Authority.

Bruce Andersen
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Post by Bruce Andersen » 13 Apr 2009, 07:46

Great idea - will make things easier on Saturday and the phone card is a novel bonus!

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 19 Apr 2009, 00:31


Sailing and Social Schedule

June 19th - 27th 2009

June 19th

1700 hrs Volunteers briefing at the Boat Yard Bay Street

June 20th

0900 hrs Registration, equipment inspection, practice sail

1800 hrs Opening Ceremony at the Boat Yard Bay Street

June 21st

0800 hrs Volunteers briefing

0900 hrs -1700 hrs. Racing Day 1

1700 - 1800 hrs After Race happy hour and daily prize giving at the Boat Yard

June 22nd

0800 hrs Volunteers briefing

0900 hrs - 1700 hrs Racing Day 2

1700 hrs - 1800 hrs After race happy hour and daily prize giving at the Boat Yard

June 23rd

0800 hrs Volunteers briefing

0900 - 1700 hrs Racing Day 3

1700hrs -1800 hrs after race happy hour and daily prize giving at the Boat Yard

1800 hrs - 2200 hrs Beach Buffet and Cultural Show at the Barbados Yacht Club, Bay Street.
This show will feature Barbados's best local entertainment.

Cost: US $ 50.00 Tickets available from committee desk, there maybe some change to this cost as we are trying to find a way to include drinks as part of the package and offer the dinner, drinks and the Cultural Show as one complete package.

NOTE THE IOM AGM WILL TAKE PLACE AT 1730 hrs AT THE BARBADOS YACHT CLUB’S MEETING ROOM after which will be held the Dinner and Cultural Show.

June 24th

Reserve day (The day may be used for racing if 12-15 completed races have not been achieved at the end of day 3)

If races have been achieved a choice of activities for the Lay Day will be as follows:

Four hour Catamaran Cruise along the West Coast snorkeling and Swimming with the Turtles Cost: US $ 68.00

Island tour Cost: US $ 30.00 per hour

Island Safari Cost US $ 53.00 (4 hours including lunch and drinks)

Laze on the beach Free

1900 hrs Dinner including a glass of wine at “Paulo’s Churrasco DO Brazilâ€
Last edited by Sen Peter Gilkes on 19 Apr 2009, 02:17, edited 1 time in total.

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 19 Apr 2009, 01:58

Please find listed below an outline of events for the duration of the IOM BARBADOS WORLDS 2009 event from 20 th June - 27 th June.

We are trying to finalise our package for the Yacht Club Dinner evening that will include a Steel Pan Player, Dancers, and other local cultural displays and we also want to include a drinks included pricing, we are working towards settling the costing of the drinks component and we will advise you as soon as we have come to a decision.

This evening will give you a taste of Barbados from its Roots to where we are today in music and dance Caribbean style.

The other evening that we have arranged is the Brazillian evening at “Paulo’s Churrasco DO Brasilâ€
Last edited by Sen Peter Gilkes on 22 Apr 2009, 04:32, edited 1 time in total.

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 22 Apr 2009, 04:30

Please be advised that further to a conversation between the Manager of Virgin Barbados Mr Colin Symes and myself, Virgin Barbados has advised Virgin UK about the special requirements for those sailors that will be travelling with their sail boxes and their hulls and they should not expect any issues at the Virgin check in counter at London Gatwick, when checking in please mention that you are part of the IOM Barbados Worlds Group to be properly treated.

Sen Peter Gilkes
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Post by Sen Peter Gilkes » 22 Apr 2009, 08:51

Friends of IOM Sailing, The Barbados Organising Committee is very pleased to report that the French have added another IOM sailor to their team of competitors, we are now left with SIX only spots to fill, we really would like a full slate of competitors to take part in this IOM BARBADOS WORLDS 2009.

So do what you need to do at home, be it to go down on one knee and beg your wife's blessings or even to bring her along for the fun, sun and rum aspect of the event, do whatever is necessary to make this trip of a lifetime.

The team from the UK is fully subscribed for this program, so to from France and Croatia but we do have room for those much nearer to us and I refer to the American and Canadian areas.

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Olivier Cohen
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Post by Olivier Cohen » 22 Apr 2009, 09:13

Sen Peter Gilkes wrote:Please be advised that further to a conversation between the Manager of Virgin Barbados Mr Colin Symes and myself, Virgin Barbados has advised Virgin UK about the special requirements for those sailors that will be travelling with their sail boxes and their hulls and they should not expect any issues at the Virgin check in counter at London Gatwick, when checking in please mention that you are part of the IOM Barbados Worlds Group to be properly treated.
Thanks a lot, I am sure that many competitors will appreciate, but to be really sure that there will be no problem, would it be possible to send competitors or NCA representatives a letter from Mr Symes that could be presented at Virgin check ?
IOMICA Chairman

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Post by Lester » 22 Apr 2009, 09:29

Sen Peter Gilkes wrote:The team from the UK is fully subscribed for this program, so to from France and Croatia but we do have room for those much nearer to us and I refer to the American and Canadian areas.
Hi Peter

Thanks for the request for more entrants. I was wondering why you are excluding GBR, FRA, and CRO entrants, given that I think the rules say
Class Championship Regulations wrote:8.8. Stage Three
8.8.2. Then, if there are still places available,
(i) For World Championships, there shall be no restriction on the maximum number of places for any Member NCA.
Lester Gilbert

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