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Allow spreaders acting only in tension ?

Posted: 11 Jul 2006, 14:22
by awallin
Hi All,

See my post "chafing patch in mainsail" for an introduction.

To all owners:

would it be a good idea to introduce a class rule change that would reverse the decision of a recent interpretation which ruled that spreaders must act in compression ?

This would allow the use of a piece of string as a short 'spreader'. Some people think this works fine, and the rule change would allow a simplification in the case where short spreaders are used.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006, 22:29
by Nigel28
I'm sure you mean the same thing but I would like to clarify, I think you would need to introduce a new rule that allows the use of any one of these three items you talk about rather than a rule to reverse the interpretation.
After all an interpretation is just that, it is what the TC thinks the rule means as it is written.

This one I'm not sure about, a spreader by definition, is used to hold the shrouds out. If you want to allow another device to pull the shrouds in it will require another rule, definition etc etc.
Consider the Pandora's box you are opening by setting a precident where people can introduce potential performance improvements to the rig.
If this or the next variation proved to be faster than what we have now we would all have to change our rigs just to keep up!
Is this the way we want to go?

Posted: 12 Jul 2006, 07:58
by awallin
Nigel28 wrote:Anders
I'm sure you mean the same thing but I would like to clarify, I think you would need to introduce a new rule that allows the use of any one of these three items you talk about rather than a rule to reverse the interpretation.
Yes, either a new rule needs to be introduced or an existing rule needs to be changed. That is what the AGM is for.
This one I'm not sure about, a spreader by definition, is used to hold the shrouds out. If you want to allow another device to pull the shrouds in it will require another rule, definition etc etc.
No. A spreader, by ERS definition is (F1.3 in the 05-08 ERS)
"any equipment attached at one or both ends to spars, sails or other rigging and capable of working in compression"

So, a pair of short spreaders that pull in the shrouds is perfectly OK as long as the spreaders are capable of working in compression.
Consider the Pandora's box you are opening by setting a precident where people can introduce potential performance improvements to the rig.
If this or the next variation proved to be faster than what we have now we would all have to change our rigs just to keep up!
Is this the way we want to go?
Considering only the short spreaders: any performance improvement with short spreaders could just as easily be attained with the current rules by having short spreaders that pull the shrouds inwards, but making the spreaders from a rigid material capable of working in compression.

What I am suggesting is that maybe spreaders that do not work in compression could be allowed since the rig construction, maintenance, and storage would then be greatly simplified for a boat that uses spreaders that pull the shrouds inwards.

I am not sure how this intent would be best implemented in the current rules. Any suggestions would be welcome !