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Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 02:24
by Don Case
What are fittings? Are the mast crane, vang, gooseneck and mast ram fittings? IE can they be made of any material?

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 04:39
by Hiljoball
Hi Don,
the answer can be complex, but basically, there is no restriction on materials for your list.

The problem is that the rule in its present form omitted to provide a materials list for some rigging items, especially on the mast. Some of the rigging items are covered under the section on the booms, some are not.

So you can end up in a circle. An item may be mandatory or optional, but it cannot be made of anything. Hence the proposed rule change in this year's AGM agenda.

There are subtlties. For example the vang has three items, two end fittings and a vang (kicking strap in the rule). The end fittings are listed with the mast and boom. However the vang is defined in our rule in the 'running rigging' list. Running rigging has an unrestricted materials list. Now if you look up running rigging as defined in the ERS (equipment rules of Sailing), it is defined as 'working in tension only'. ie cannot work in compression - so a solid vang that could support the boom in light air is not allowed.