raising roles on NAVIGA???

Discuss the IOM class rules and interpretations

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Tzvetan Todorov
Posts: 2
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raising roles on NAVIGA???

Post by Tzvetan Todorov » 25 Feb 2010, 18:49

Hello all.
My name is Tzvetan Todorow from Bulgaria.
In the beginning I won a say to you I AM SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH ;)
I am new in this forum .
For unfortunately; the local ISAF organization ( BULSAF) don’t develop radio sailing. We mast practise our hobby in other organization MAVIGA. (organization of ship modeless) .
I am ex sailing raiser and now a have a pleasure to enjoy a model yacht sport .I have and I am raising on three boat classes, IOM (F5E), M and F10.
During the ears in this excellent hobby I has allot oh ''heated conversations'' with a local NAVIGA persons regarding sailing rules. The last written rules that they can show to me are from 1974. It is a long period and I am sure that they are not valid at all today:0) .On NAWIGA web site is written ’’The racing rules are, except for some minor changes, the same as for full size sailing’’.
My question is, do yow know to have some different raising roles for ISAF and MAVIGA, or the local persons are not competent (NAVIGA persons)
Raising rules, not building rules.
Please tell me you opinions .
Best regards
Tzvetan Todorov

Posts: 64
Joined: 25 Nov 2003, 07:47

Re: raising roles on NAVIGA???

Post by jandejmo » 25 Feb 2010, 19:50

Hi Tzvetan,

The latest version I have of the Naviga Racing Rules are in German and from 2002. Having read your message I searched the Internet but did not find any Naviga Racing Rules at all.

I can send you the 2002 rules if you send me a PM (search for my user name and click the "PM" button under "Message") with your e-mail address.

If you want the ISAF Racing Rules, including Appendix E Radio-Controlled Boat Racing Rules, you can download them here:

Best Regards


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Re: raising roles on NAVIGA???

Post by Gyula » 04 Mar 2010, 15:07

Hi Tzvetan

I have the rules as they were used in 2009 at the Naviga Worlds in Hungary Balatonlelle. Please give me a mail address and I send them to you. In fact as sailing rules they use the ISAF RRS part 2 as it was in 2003, with the difference that marks can be touched. Unfortunately this exception ruins all at the marks, but the people in charge thinks it is good this way.
At the present there are some big changes in Naviga, I don't know exactly what, just hope they are in a right direction....

Gyula Ferencz, Romania
Gyula Ferencz

Tzvetan Todorov
Posts: 2
Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 17:37
Sail number: BUL 21
Club: Model Club Varna
Design: my design

Re: raising roles on NAVIGA???

Post by Tzvetan Todorov » 05 Mar 2010, 15:44

Gyula wrote:Hi Tzvetan

I have the rules as they were used in 2009 at the Naviga Worlds in Hungary Balatonlelle. Please give me a mail address and I send them to you. In fact as sailing rules they use the ISAF RRS part 2 as it was in 2003, with the difference that marks can be touched. Unfortunately this exception ruins all at the marks, but the people in charge thinks it is good this way.
At the present there are some big changes in Naviga, I don't know exactly what, just hope they are in a right direction....

Gyula Ferencz, Romania

Gyula please send to me this rules. My e.mail adres is:
thanks for all

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