I wish to use a kicker lever on my boat and to that end have designed a fitting as follows:
[img] [/img]
“A” and “B” are straps that can slide along the boom such that the kicker fitting can be easily removed. (As there is space I have incorporated the mainsheet adjustment line.)
Our Class Rules 2014-2016 Rule F.4
(1) Mainsail clew fitting(s).
(2) Mainsail boom sheet fitting(s).
(3) Kicking strap fitting.
The ISAF Equipment Rules (ERS) define a spar as:BOOM F.4.5 DIMENSIONS states:
Spar, ignoring features permitted by F.4.2, between
points 10 mm from each end:
the boom spar shall pass through a 20 mm, ring
andF.1.3 Spar
The main structural part(s) of the rig, to, or from which sails are attached
and/or supported.
Question: Is this arrangement required to fit through the “…20mm, ring gauge.”F.1.4 (b) BOOM
A spar attached at one end to a mast spar or a hull and on which the clew
of a sail is set and on which the tack and/or foot of the sail may be set.
Includes its rigging, fittings and any corrector weights, but not running
rigging, running rigging blocks and/or any kicking strap/strut
Thanks very much,