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Web site for the Nordic IOM sailors

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 16:19
by ole_peder
Hi all

The Nordic IOM sailors has joined forces and created a new website IOM-NORDIC

The Nordic countries ie. NOR, DEN, FIN and SWE has appr 170 registered boats and appr. 70 sertified boats.

We arrange the Nordic Cup every year which is a race series for the IOM consisting of 3 races every year. This series is for the time beeing open to all IOM sailors. The races are two days events with maximum two heats

We also arrange a Nordic Championship every year, which is part of the Nordic Cup.

The website is muliti lingual and there are also some stuff in english

Posted: 16 Sep 2005, 17:44
by ole_peder
I see that there have been somebody that has placed their votes, and thats good.

I would appreciate some comments on what you would like to find om the site, but bear in mind that the intention is to communicate to the Nordic sailors, but also to give enough info to foreign IOM sailors so they can get an idea of what's going on in the Nordic Countries.

Is an seperate menupoint for english a good idea?