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Wich design would you chosse to build

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 16:25
by Joakim
Iam new to IOM and thinking oc building a boat. Wich off the following designs would you prefer.

Vision (goddplans)
Laerke from 2004

Or do someone got a better
Thanks for all comments


Triple Crown

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 22:51
by Graham_Snook
Personally I've been more than happy with my Triple crown, but I'm still in my first season, so there may be better designs out there....but I found there is a lot on info available on the triple crown, there are plenty of people who have built them...and off the wind they are real rockets :D

Check out here for the building process of mine:

Good luck

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 13:35
by soeren_andresen

As the designer of Laerke from 2004, I can only recoment her.
I have been more than happy with her.
Of the other designs I have only sailed against the TC, and never lost to one.

Laerke is a design that I designed for windstrength of medium and up, in wind under 2 m/s she seems to loose out to the slimmer designs if you not is very careful.

I have now sail with her for a year, winning event event her i DEN. Recently I won the Nordic Championship, beating amounst other Torvald Klem who was 5th at the EC last year.
Results and report can be seen her:
7Eawallin/surcp/tulos/Final_result_NM_2005.pdf ... 06_jun.htm

Best regards

which IOM

Posted: 19 Jan 2006, 00:13
by cougar
ok guys
this is from a guy who has been sailing for 15 years. the new sailors should go out and get a boat. realy does not matter which boat you get. of the boats you list. i would say triple crown or vanquish. the reason for vanquish is that i know the designer. and we talk all the time. if you build that design. you can talk to dan. he will help you. you can get the bulkhead precut if you want.
but that is just my opinion. Good luck