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IOMs make front page of Sailing Anarchy

Posted: 08 Jun 2005, 06:22
by Muzza
The IOM has made the "front page" of big boat online sailing magazine, Sailing Anarchy today.

One of Nick Lindsley's images, featuring a Cockatoo and Nick's Ares is featured about halfway down the page.

Well done Nick - great profile for the class.

IOM Article

Posted: 17 Aug 2005, 12:49
by Arvin S.
Though not totally an IOM article there was an article recently about RC sailing in "SAIL" magazine too. I forgot what the title is, but it was like "why small is big".


Posted: 17 Aug 2005, 14:42
by Ken Dobbie
The August issue of Australian Sailing (Australia's premier yachting magazine) has a three page story on radio sailing, organised by Brad Gibson, including mention of the IOM Worlds and all photos feature IOM's. Well done Brad

Ken Dobbie