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Stern Sails

Posted: 05 May 2005, 05:45
by eddy
Has anyone used bob sern sails for an iom "A" rigif so how do you like them thinking of getting a set 6 0z

Posted: 19 May 2005, 20:29
by MCooper

I have used Bob Stern Sails on my IOM when I owned the Chinook. I loved them and they were very well made. Performance and tuning was very good indeed. I am not familiar with the makeup of the set that I used so cannot state anything on the oz question. I know several in Houston however that still use Bob Stern and swear by them. It really comes down to preference in who and what type of sails you use.

Stern Sails

Posted: 21 May 2005, 12:32
by eddy
Hello and thank you mark
Just ordered the set (2)