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Pix of USA Region 6 IOM Championship

Posted: 17 Apr 2005, 15:28
by Bruce Lopez
Here are some pictures photos from Day 1. 24 skippers, light winds, great weather, and lots of sailing. :D

It is under 2005 R6 Championship. In the other album there are more R/C sailing photos and you all are more than welcome to look around.

edit: day 2 uploaded to the album. Unfortunately I was not able to stay in the 'A' fleet very long (1 heat :oops: ) so no 'B' fleet pictures.

Hiyas bruce

Posted: 20 Apr 2005, 16:58
by eddy
nice pics...where was peter allen from barbados all this ..Btw are you all comming down to toronto for our June regatta. IOMS that is
Sail NUmber 589
metro marine modellers
Do you have Peter allens e-mail if so can you forward it on to me please

Posted: 20 Apr 2005, 21:23
by MCooper

According to the list of entries and the results it does not look like Peter was a participant this trip.

Here is how to get ahold of him however.