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2005 World Championships Venue

Posted: 02 Dec 2003, 20:38
by Dick Carver
Reciently I received this link from a friend. ... image.html

It's a group of pictures of the proposed venue for the 2005 WC at the Quad Park sports & recreation facility near Mooloolaba, QLD, AUS.
More information on the Quad Park sports complex can be viewed at:

Could someone in the area give us a report on the site?
How far along is the purposed development?
Is the construction around the site expected to be completed by the time the WC is held?
Are there any concerns about the extensive building planned for around the lake. Will this block the wind, or are the prevailing conditions pretty much straight up the length of the lake?
Will it be possible to walk the shoreline with the boats, or will competitors be sailing from a designated control area?

On the IOMICA site "latest news" page, it has been reported that Portugal has also submitted a formal bid to hold the 2005 WC. Is there any information out there on the purposed venue in Portugal?

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 23:16
by Jeff Kay

You don't seem to have got much response from your post so a few thoughts to get some debate going!

With the Europeans held in Spain next year, it would appear to make the most sense to have the Worlds in Aus in 2005, with the subsequent event in Portugal in 2007? ie not to have the two events in Europe so close together.


2005 World Championships Venue

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 00:29
by Ken Dobbie
Hi Dick

A short answer to your question is that there is no likelyhood of buildings having any influence on the conditions at the proposed Australian venue.

Australia has provided answers to supplementary questions posed by the Events Committee to that committee's satisfaction.

The two bids are currently being evaluated and we have been given to understand that a decision will be announced by 10 December.

Ken Dobbie
for Australian Radio Yachting Association (Inc) and International One Metre Australia

Re: 2005 World Championships Venue

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 02:29
by Jorge Camilo
Dear Friends

You can see fotos of the proposed venue for Portugal/2005 in

Local of the last Iberian Championship last month

Jorge Camilo

Worlds venue

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 13:39
by Nigel
@ Jeff, the Europeans are normally always held in Europe :wink:

I do get the point, that having the euros in Spain and the worlds in Portugal the following year seems strange. From a personal travelling point of view Portugal would be nice.

But I think it would only be fair to have the Worlds 2005 on the southern half of the globe, as the last races have allways ment alot of travelling for the sailors from Australia and New Zealand. Finally they have such strong IOM fleets down under it does seem right to give it to them. No doubt who gets it, it will be a good race to compite in.

Perhaps we could have a pole on the board about what everybody thinks :?:

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 14:07
by Rob Davis
The other issue is that the 2001 and 1999 WC's were in Croatia and Malta. So Europe has had their opportunity to have nearby WC's.

Most importantly to me is that the regatta be of high quality and caliber. The Vancouver Worlds was such a splendid event. Don Martin and the others at RVYC really set a high bar.

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 14:38
by Dan Crowley
How about the 2005 Worlds in Australia, then 2007 in Valencia, Spain! That would be awesome, if you could find a hotel room...

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 15:08
by Chairman
The Events sub-committee can only select and approve from the bids which are made, of course. Over the last years, bids have been rather thin on the ground AFAIK. But the current trend for the Worlds is looking good -- Europe 2001, Americas 2003, Oceana 2005 -- so that is spreading it around...

In the alternate years we have a European Championship. No reason not to also have in these years a North American Championship, an Oceanic Championship, a South American Championship, an African Championship, and an Asian Championship...

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 21:49
by Roy Thompson
I'm not sure that 'having a good fleet down under' gives Oceania any more right to have the Worlds, but I am in total agreement that the site needs careful evaluation and we need to spread about the major events as much as possible. That said, the Europeans do get spread about within Europe, and the worlds shoud follow this pattern, but it would also be unfair to exclude Europe solely on the basis that they already have a major championship - their own Europeans. OK, here in Europe we've probably had our fair share of the Worlds recently too - what we need to do now is move the global IOM fleet onto another level, get more people involved from more countries and visit the world with our little boats!

I am sure Tito and his Events sub committe will make the right choice - hold your breath a few days more!

Spain and Sailing

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 21:55
by Roy Thompson
We have been blessed with the start of the Volvo Ocean Race 2005 starting from Vigo, northern Spain as well as the 2007 Americas Cup in Valencia. Whilst sailing is still an elite sport here, we hope that these two events will open the eyes of the general public. If anyone is thinking of coming over to either of those two events, you will receive a warm welcome from the IOM ESP fleet - who may just be able to help you out! Let us know and I am sure we can arrange some IOM racing either in Vigo or Valencia!

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 22:05
by Nigel
I know we have only just had the 2003 worlds and don't know where we are going 2005 but Don's idea with the worlds in Valencia 2007 is awesome!

What an opportunity to present our "sport" to the public. As some big-boat sailors are into RC sailing we might even have a chance of getting there if the organization is approched early enough.

valencia 2007

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 23:45
by Roy Thompson
IOM Worlds in Valencia 2007 - why not? I'll start a new topic.

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 02:55
by David Turton
HI All,
below is the text i posted on RC Yachts Australia Forum some time ago

HI All,
Eddie has done some fantastic work for us. Check out the proposed course layouts on the following links.

The proposed venue is a circular lake with a greater than 200 metre diameter with a 2500 metre by 150 metre wide rowing lake entering at its Southern end. As you will see from the attached drawings of the proposed courses, all wind directions can be catered for with launching and control areas adjacent. The circular lake will permit the best vantage point for control areas irrespective of the wind direction and is a feature of the proposed venue. On the drawings the windward leg is to scale at 150 metres long.

We monitored the breeze direction and strength last month at the proposed time of the event and we had consistent N to NE breezes to 20 knots for 6 days in a row broken by a strong southerly change for one day then back into the NE pattern with no rain, clear skies and 22 to 28c temp ranges (this is typical for this time of year).

The Chief Executive Officer of Quad Park has confirmed that they will provide whatever we need in terms of multiple launching ramps and the use of large undercover and lockable spaces etc in the clubhouse located on the waters edge.

If you have any questions, i'm happy to answer them via this forum or alternatively contact any one of the committee members listed in an earlier note. my email

David Turton
Proposed worlds course layouts

MRYC Covering letter for Worlds Bid

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 03:01
by David Turton
Please find attached the Mooloolaba Radio Yacht Club’s application to host the IOM 2005 World Championship. We believe we have a magnificent venue located on the Sunshine Coast which is one of Australia’s premier family tourist destinations. The environment and culture of the Sunshine Coast is relaxed and friendly with world class facilities. Our venue is centrally located and easily accessible for travelers internationally and domestically. I encourage you to surf the attached web links to get a full appreciation of our area.
We have formed a committee of avid IOM sailors to manage the organization of the event should we be the successful applicant. These committee members are:-

• David Turton Chairman, Commodore MRYC, life long involvement in sailing.

• Jeff Byerley experienced competitor and contributor to event management, competitor in numerous RSD World Championship events.

• Greg Willis ARYA President, competitor in numerous RSD World Championship events.

• Arthur Hodge, very experienced sailing administrator, Principal Race Officer 2004 Etchell World Championship at Mooloolaba. PRO Hamilton Island Race Week (largest Southern Hemisphere yacht regatta).

• Greg Torpy, Past Australian Sailing Olympian & America’s Cup Campaigns.

• David Jones life long involvement in sailing.

The committee has received verbal indicative support from tourism and government bodies to assist the event via grants and we are confident of obtaining various corporate sponsors given the IOM class’s global audience.

We are committed to holding an exceptional IOM world championships and we have the support of our members and the local community who have a history of ensuring events of this magnitude are successful from every competitors viewpoint.
Yours sincerely,

David Turton
Commodore MRYC

Answers to Dick's Questions

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 03:15
by David Turton
HI all
Could someone in the area give us a report on the site?
Centrally located on Queenslands Sunshine Coast one of Australia's premier Family tourist detsinations, it is a world class holiday destination, if we win the right to host the event, bring your family.
How far along is the purposed development?
Currently the reventment wall are being completed. The lake is currently being dredged as they use the fill to lift the level of surrounding development land. This work is programmed to be completed March 2004 and the developer advises they are on track to do this. We plan to begin using this venue from this time.
Is the construction around the site expected to be completed by the time the WC is held? Construction of walkways and landscaping is programmed to be finished as above.

Are there any concerns about the extensive building planned for around the lake. Will this block the wind, or are the prevailing conditions pretty much straight up the length of the lake?
The land surrounding on the western shore of the lake will be developed in time. The developer won't have released this land in time for buildings to be constructed. The predominant breeze for this area is Sth East to North East and the Eastern shore is remaining as lowlevel landscaping and parklands.

Will it be possible to walk the shoreline with the boats, or will competitors be sailing from a designated control area? The lake is ringed a by a 3 metre path and there will be available 7 different launching/control areas.

Thanks for your interest in our bid and i look forward to welcoming you to our area should our bid be successful.
David Turton

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 04:35
by Dick Carver
Thanks for the info David. Looks like you guys have put together a great proposal. Best of luck.

Posted: 08 Dec 2003, 20:56
by Dick Carver
One other question about frequencies. Is the 75Mhz band available for R/C use in Australia and Portugal, in addition to the 40 Mhz, 27 band and Ham channels?
From reading the Frequency Management thread, it sounds like trying to run an 80 boat regatta with 47 available freqs. might be a real problem.


Posted: 09 Dec 2003, 00:19
by David Turton
These are the frequencies bands we can use, 27Mhz, 29Mhz, 36Mhz and 40Mhz - Not all frequencies on some bands are available, but there are more than sufficient spots available to cater for the maximum entry. Application will be made to Government for special approvals, e.g 75 Mhz, if warranted.
David Turton

Posted: 09 Dec 2003, 00:20
by Ken Dobbie
Permitted frequency bands in Australia are 27, 29, 36 and 40 which provide more than 80 available channels. Event approval could be sought for other bands.

