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Vickers V 5

Posted: 03 Feb 2005, 13:08
by IanHB
:shock: Here are some photos of the Vickers V 5 which is produced by Michael Garden here in Wellington. This one on loan to me for a couple of weeks. :roll: ... v5iom.msnw

Posted: 05 Feb 2005, 03:44
by Steve Landeau
Nice looking boat!
Is there online contact info regarding the builder?

Posted: 09 Feb 2005, 11:06
by Roy Thompson
Hold your horses Steve....Ian Vickers is here in Spain working (Valencia) and the Valencian IOM guys are rumored to have already started work on the V6 mould (with input from Ian???? ...).....They say it's even better than the V5....

I will see if I can get details. The construction is normally flawless and the price modest.

Posted: 15 Feb 2005, 21:02
by IanHB
:P Without sounding like sour grapes, just be aware that simply having a higher number does not necessarly mean that it is better.
You should understand that we are currently sailing version 5.4 of the design which has been developed in isolation from the original designer.
As all those who have been around here for a while will agree, no new design sails off the drawing board without many hours of development work.
In the case of the V5 this has been undertaken by members of the Wellington Radio Yacht Club under the guidence of the Official builder Michael Garden.
It`s all been great fun mind, with changes to fin thickness and section, rudder, mast position, sheeting geometry and so on.
All then two boat ( or more ) tested and anaylised with all boats in the fleet benefiting to keep them all up with the play. Makes for great racing on club days.
Not to be caught out by developing in isolation without referance to the rest of the country and the rest of the world, little skirmishes are undertaken to provide reality checks.
The next test will be the NZ IOM nationals in Auckland 4-6 March.
Watch this space!

Steve, I believe you have made contact with Michael. He is a little snowed under at the moment as are most of the Semi Pro builders around the world,(which signifies to me that the class is alive and well.)
So is not looking for orders for the
Vickers V5.5