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Posted: 20 Jun 2004, 10:17
by edmorales
Is there anybody in this forum who has tried using this sail arm servo? I would like to use this in my new IOM hull that is currently being moulded. I saw a picture of a sailarm setup at showing a digital hitec hs5735 sailarm servo. i would like to try using a non digital sail arm servo in a similar layout but i am not sure if this has been tried before and if the HS 815 can handle the top of A rig conditions. any help will help.
ed :?:

Posted: 20 Jun 2004, 17:41
by cfwahl
I haven't used one of these, but I do know a bit about servos. The HS 815 is, on paper, more powerful than the digital 5735. It weighs a bit more, rotates about a third as fast, and costs (only) about $20US less than the 5735. Digital servos have two distinct advantages: 1) their accuracy at repeating a position -- for airplane fliers, centering, and for us, the close-hauled stop particularly -- is better. 2) They also have much greater "holding power" at a fixed position. This comes at the price of greater current consumption.

The HS 815 comes with 140 degree rotation, and, so far as I know, does not have endpoint adjustment, like the Futaba 5801 or the RMG. So unless your transmitter has adjustable travel volume on the winch channel, you'd have to live with that. (ATV and exponential on the winch and rudder are very nice features to have, but the action of an arm winch provides exponential [or sine-wave] action in and of itself.) The HS 5735 can be programmed to any rotation up to 180, I believe. The programmer is ridiculously expensive, but most places that sell them (Kbits in England, ServoCity here, I believe) will program them for a fee.

If I were looking to buy an arm winch, it would be no contest: I'd choose the 5735.

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 08:01
by edmorales
thanks for the advise. the reason why i asked about this servos is because we are developing a low cost iom in manila philippines and i just so happen to have an hs815 bb and a hs725 drumwinch. i just wanted advise from the more experienced rc sailors here if they have tried using this servo. i am aware that these two servos are not world championship winning stuff. i just want to know what performance do i expect from these cheaper gear. between the hs 815 and the hs725,which one would u recommend?

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 02:59
by cfwahl
I don't really have hands-on experience with either one, and don't have a personal preference for arm or drum winch type. The most important thing, in my opinion, is that the servo always stops in the same place close-hauled. So if you have one of each, I'd set up a test installation, and see what each does. They certainly are reasonably priced.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 14:36
by spaldi01

The Hitec 815 is easily up to the job and I will be using it in preference to 5735 in my next IOM. It is used by many sailors at my club and none of them have any problems sailing under any wind conditions. Some even use the 715 which even cheaper and lighter. The setup you refer to is ideal and gives you huge power and fine control at closed hauled. It does not have the holding power of the 5735 but I have never noticed the sails blow out under gusts. Anyway having the sheets eased under gusts isn’t a bad thing is it?

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 14:56
by edmorales
thanks. this was the kind of advise i was hoping to hear. we want to build a low cost iom in our club so as to dispell the common notion of the local rc sailor's belief that an iom is =$$$$$. we believe that with our resources, it is posible to build one with less $$$$$. visit our local webpage at

i weighed the HITEC HS815 and i found out that it was a bit lighter than the RMG 280 smartwinch that i am currently using. if this sailarm winch should prove to be sufficient in our local winds, then we could save a bit of $$$$$ and have the same amount of fun
ed :D

HITEC HS 5735MG was Replaced

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 18:37
by JohnM
Hey Sailors
Hitec HS 5735MG was replaced by Hitec 5745Mg.
It has some differences such as torque and weight
See page " servos and Winches " at " THE SAILOR"
Regards to you all

Posted: 29 Jun 2004, 10:09
by edmorales
i made an inquiry at the HITEC forum ( ... 3;t=000456 ) and the reply is assuring for my intentions. it says that the 815BB can give a torque rating of 343 oz. with a 6 volt battery. i am using 1650 mah 6volt 5 cell nimh batteries. this means that it can give lots of muscle if i should get into a gust while on A Rig.