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Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 13:20
by Nigel
TS 2 top performer in all but the lightest of conditions and I simply like the look of the boat.

Only drawback is the nine month delivery time :cry: But I can wait :lol:

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 20:32
by ole_peder
I always sail my own designs, they're always the best.

well let's be serious.

All the boats listed in the poll are good designs, but when first putting up a poll all designs available should be listed to get a fair poll for all the designs.

It's impossible to say which design is the best. My bet is that all of the 10 best sailors would be placed almost the same with any of the listed boats as they did whith the boat they usually sails.

remember that the all the good designs are designed by the best sailors and also in many cases sailed by themselves.

Take an example from last WC in M in Italy. I was sailing consistently in the E-heat. In that heat there where more Walicki boats than in the A heat. Ok it was a Walicki boat that won, but what conklusions do we draw from that??? The winner was an excellent sailor!!!!!!

All the IOM do sail almost the same speed. The most important factor is sailtrim, tactics and sailing skills that decides who wins!!!!!!!

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 16:34
by ole_peder
May be I misunderstod the question, but you didn't say anything about designing your own IOM and that you would use the result from the pollin the design.

But generally it's too much focus on the design and too little on the skipper. It seem's to me that skippers around the world are trying to by a good boat to get better results.

It's a lot of well designed boats out there, but the problem is delivery. As somebody said they had to wait 9 months. Here in Norway we have people who had to cancel a order due to late delivery.

So the more producer out there the better.

Good luck with your design

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 00:36
by andreasS
hi, i would like to sail a cookatoo. it is a boat with a good performance by light winds. but i can not afford it, so i am building my on boat from plans.(about 6 by now)

look on my website (only in german)


Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 08:18
by edmorales
TS2 would be nice, but then, any of the designs in the above list would be nice to own and race since all of them are race proven

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 23:19
by Roy Thompson
I would have liked to have raced a V5, after its successes in NZ it looked very promising so I got in contact with the designer and I had one on order for over six months (before it was put into production), but as the date came nearer for it to be started to be moulded all contact was lost with the Designer/building team - as if they had been abducted by aliens! I really don't understand how anyone can tell you one thing one day and then disappear and not give any info - if there were problems and delays, well another few months wouldn't have made a lot of difference. I tried using my NZ contacts to get in touch but even they couldn't figure out what happened. Is the V5 now in production? Is there a web page?
I also looked at the Cockatoo - lovely finish but the delivery time thing - yuk! (how impatient we all are eh?), and the lines of the Lite Ice from Aus are spectacular (haven't seen results to match it though).
I have since bought an Italiko which I am very satisfied with - yes it's expensive, but often the best designs are! My vote goes to the Italiko - although I own one , I still haven't learnt to 'race' it how I know it should be raced

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 13:28
by Greg Vasileff
........ personally, I think Firebrace RULES!
It's unfortunate though that they are so hard to get in the states. I race the Mist and it continues to impress most that sail with me, including myself. I might believe that I am the only one in the states with this boat?

Posted: 03 Mar 2004, 07:46
by JohnB
From down under.

Next weekend 13-14th Mar I will be in Wellington for the NZ Nats. I will will going to see the builder of the V5's as I have had my name down for since the mid of last year.

Will left you know how I got on.

In the meantime I will be sailing a Drumbeat.

Posted: 05 Mar 2004, 23:03
by BCH
I'm with JB...TS2 any time. All the listed boats might be proven in the right hands (and I'm not likely to win anything more than a few club races :oops: )but for me, no one finishes a boat like Mr Smith. I know this shows that I am shallow and insensitive but as my old Dad used to say..."Son, if you can't be a good sailor, at least look like one!!" :D

And the TS2 is soooooo kind to a sailor that can do nought but try!! :P

Posted: 06 Mar 2004, 18:24
by Brian Sims
What about an Ericca! Didn't see that it made it to the list. Such a nice boat.......

Love them all!