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Posted: 02 Nov 2010, 12:08
by Aaron Plazier

quick post to say hi. I am in the middle of build at the moment...not sure how it will turn out but who cares can only try again.
Hoping to join up with a club as I get closer to finishing...

Re: Newbie

Posted: 02 Nov 2010, 16:46
by Barry Fox CAN262
Welcome. Good luck with the build. You might do well to start getting in with your local club earlier. You might get some good advice and help with some of the details and maybe prevent some early re-fits.

Re: Newbie

Posted: 02 Nov 2010, 18:21
by Hiljoball
Also welcome.

If you have not yet signed up, there is a great forum is Aus.


Re: Newbie

Posted: 03 Nov 2010, 06:58
by Aaron Plazier
Thanks for the link.

Heres a few snaps of work so far. Just ordered some glass cloth, but in no major rush so just plod along and enjoy the process, learning and reading as much as I can.

I am going to glass over the balsa for the 1st one, once I get better I will take a swipe at making a mold.
Got this skeleton off shadows and after smoothing 125g roughly.


Re: Newbie

Posted: 03 Nov 2010, 07:10
by Aaron Plazier
I have a question... didnt take long :lol:
Fin....never made a boat before so apologies if this is stupid...
The total draught is taken from water line? 370 mm .... 420 mm
Then the fin has to be sized to fit with in 370 mm .... 420 mm, or is the fin a max of 420mm?

The measurement of (depth of hull from waterline 60 mm) is that a max measure or it has to be exactly 60mm...
I think mine will be 55 to 58 I believe. Will test once it's glassed up.
But just for argument sake could a depth be 20mm or is that pushing things?

:oops: and now the daft question, the fin must be removable, so how to make water tight? Does fin box keep the water at bay? Sorry :oops:

Re: Newbie

Posted: 03 Nov 2010, 14:52
by Hiljoball
Aaron Plazier wrote:I have a question... didnt take long :lol:
Fin....never made a boat before so apologies if this is stupid...
The total draught is taken from water line? 370 mm .... 420 mm
Then the fin has to be sized to fit with in 370 mm .... 420 mm, or is the fin a max of 420mm?
The total draft is from the waterline to the bottom of the fin, which means to the bottom of the lead ballast. That is a max. It can be less, but must be between the min and max. So the fin has to be sized to fit into the lead and the total not exceed max.
Aaron Plazier wrote: The measurement of (depth of hull from waterline 60 mm) is that a max measure or it has to be exactly 60mm...
I think mine will be 55 to 58 I believe. Will test once it's glassed up.
But just for argument sake could a depth be 20mm or is that pushing things?
Depth of hull from water line to bottom of hull is max of 60. It can be less. There is no min specified.
Aaron Plazier wrote: and now the daft question, the fin must be removable, so how to make water tight? Does fin box keep the water at bay? Sorry :oops:
Usually the fin box extends from the bottom of the hull up to deck level. A screw is put in the top of the fin that extends up through the deck, where it is held by a nut. So the fin box extends above the waterline and made watertight so it cannot leak into the hull.

Re: Newbie

Posted: 03 Nov 2010, 15:32
by Aaron Plazier
ok cool, hoping that was the I had cut out my fin already and allowed for the bulb and waterline depth. :D

Re: Newbie

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 03:29
by Aaron Plazier
ok work is on going, made a fin box rudder, and in throws of fin construction.
Also made up but not glassed yet deck. Servos in post so things are happening.

i doubt there is anyone has any but to just get this thing on the water and then invest into good new sails I was wondering if there is any old sails and or rigging out there...?
Of course in AUS would be sensible, but if there is overseas and favourable price ( :wink: ) I would pay for postage....!

So if anyone has or knows of old sails or rigs please let me know.

Re: Newbie

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 14:06
by Alfonso
Hi Aaron,

I have many used sails (I am not sure but, at this moment, I think that only have A rigs). They are not that bad so if you don’t find anything in AUS I can give them to you for free. Send me an e mail or pm and we will see how can we do it.

Re: Newbie

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 01:49
by Aaron Plazier
WOW...knocked over by offer!
:shock: :o :D

Sent you PM

wow!! again :lol:

Re: Newbie

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 02:10
by Aaron Plazier
Seems a bit slow in forum so to add a bit of life...LOL

I know it aint a boat or related, I just wanna show off my last diy project
I made a scale F1 cockpit, I used current FIA regs for sizes and for comfort I only added 10mm or so to increasing size in some areas. But on a whole it's same as the car you see on f1 grid.
blog page

Still unpainted but soon..well the rc yacht thing has taken over so one day I may finish it LOL
What u think :?: 8)

sorry if in wrong area admin..

Re: Newbie

Posted: 02 Dec 2010, 22:57
by Dave Pickett
Mate that is just AWESOME!