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CE and Sail Area

Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 20:39
by Don Case
Can anyone tell me the area of the main and of the jib of an "A" rig and where(approx) the CE is? I have found 2 or 3 different formulae on the net and in books and each gives a different answer, none of which agrees with my gut feeling that this should be straight forward arithmetic that even I can follow.

PS I'm assuming that the "B" and "C" would have the same(at least horizontal) CE, am I right?

Re: CE and Sail Area

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 00:21
by Frednatal
Hi Don

I have some data:


main sail Area = 0.34679 m² CE --> XCE = -0.1215 m YCE = 0.610 m

jib sail Area = 0.2458 m² CE --> XCE = 0.1258 m YCE = 0.4760 m

Jib + Main --> Area = 0.593 m² CE --> XCE = -0.019 m YCE = 0.554 m


Jib + Main --> Area = 0.426 m² CE --> XCE = -0.023 m YCE = 0.412 m


Jib + Main --> Area = 0.272 m² CE --> XCE = -0,037 m YCE = 0.313 m

The reference for X is mast position (negative aft), for Y is the foot of sails, considering that foot are in same level.

Is not sails with total maximum permitted area.


Re: CE and Sail Area

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 22:47
by Don Case
Thank you Fred
It amazes me how tough it was to find this information. I would have thought it would be common knowledge. Maybe everyone was thinking," Figure it out yourself, I had to." I did roughly figure it out myself and my results are close to yours, so I'm happy.

I went and looked at your website and it looks very interesting. There doesn't happen to be an English version of the articles, does there? I tried Babelfish and it left a lot to be desired.
Thanks again

Re: CE and Sail Area

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 00:36
by Frednatal
Hi Don

My site is exactly for this: share knowing. I can help and I am helped. It is exclusively technical. I had many difficults to learn about IOM and I do not like that peoples pass by the same.

If you have interest in some post, call me that I translate for you. If some people believe that the site has interest I can do an English version.

I have a spreadsheet that calculate the sail areas and CoG, but the Forum do not accept spreadsheets extensions, but I can send to you by e-mail



Re: CE and Sail Area

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 07:05
by Don Case
Hi Fred
I tried a Google translation instead of Babelfish and it is much better so you needn't translate. You wouldn't have the static numbers for any other IOM's would you?

Re: CE and Sail Area

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 15:28
by Frednatal
Hi Don

Unhappy I do not have. Would be interesting if we could have. If someone has a table of offsets and want know resistance by Michelet, inclined waterlines, Turner's Moments, righting arm and accept make the results available for all I can do the work.

