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IOMICA Candidate Statements

Posted: 08 Sep 2007, 20:43
by Bruce Andersen
With the emergence of multiple candidates for many of the Exec positions I thought it would be appropriate to have a forum thread for statements, so here is mine:

My name is Bruce Andersen. I live in Boise, Idaho, USA and have been sailing and racing for over 40 years. I started R/C sailing at the Central Park Model Yacht Club in New York about 15 years ago in Marbleheads then moved to IOM's. My other activities include Neurosurgery and precision machine work (not at the same time).

I have served as Commodore of the CPMYC and Co-Chairman of the USA NCA in the past, and presently serve as VC Events for IOMICA.

I initially decided to run for the post of VC Events again, to offer some continuity from one WC to the next. One thing I noticed when I took this position is that staging a big regatta seems like re-inventing the wheel. Since hosting a big regatta is costly and labor intensive, few clubs volunteering to do so, and I think that the Events Sub-Committee may be able to ease some of this by providing historical data for budgets, paperwork, manpower requirements, etc.

In the intervening few weeks, it appears (at least on this web board) that not all members are happy with the management style offered by the single candidate for Chairman, so I also have been nominated to run for the position of Chairman in order to give the class an alternate choice.

I believe that less government is better, and that IOMICA exists to suit the needs of its membership. I do not belive in fixing problems that do not exist, and I do not believe that I "know" what the class needs - only that the Exec is elected to serve its constituency. Most of all, although rules and regulations exist to create and maintain order, common sense must prevail - after all, this is a model sailboat racing organization not the United Nations!

There have been 2 Executive Councils in our history, with 2 distincly different management styles. Creation of a class framework, with its rules, regulations, and constitution requires a certain set of skills that Lester Gilbert and his Exec did well. Changing with the times and technology, fine tuning rules and regulations, and growing the class requires (IMHO) a different set of skills that Greg Willis and his Exec did well. I feel that my management style fits more with Greg's than with the Lester's, and is what my candidacy has to offer IOMICA.

Posted: 13 Sep 2007, 00:30
by RoyL
For the past two plus years I have been VC Technical for IOMICA.

I am currently standing for re-election and would be honored to continue to serve the class for a second term.

During my tenure as VC Technical all class member inquiries were answered promptly; no boats or equipment were ruled illegal; class rules were changed to conform to revised IYRU (now ISAF) rules; and prior "problems" (permitting rubber bands to be used on the leachline; grandfathering all texalium boats) were corrected usually by overwhelming vote of the class.

I am proud of that record and the period of stability and harmony that the class has experienced.

I believe that it is the role of the IOMICA Executive to serve the needs of the class and I do not believe that the Executive (and particularly VC Technical) should raise issues on its own initiative except in cases of emergency. Generally, I think that technical questions should be addressed when they are framed by a formal request from a World Council representative. I guess, overall, I subscribe to the philosophy of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." I also feel that to be successful technical knowledge alone is not sufficient, and that common sense and the good of the class must be kept in mind in approaching any and all technical questions.l

I think the success of the past few years proves this approach.

Personally, I have been sailing r/c sailboats for over twenty years. I have participated in and helped organize and run r/c championships at both the local, national and international level. I have also been involved in a advisory capacity to a number of "full size" America's Cup campaigns.

In my business career I have been a practicing lawyer for over twenty years and have handled transactions ranging into the billions of dollars. I have also run that business aspects of a sports and events division of a major entertainment company and have been involved in the production, creation, sales, and devopment of events ranging from the Spice Girls World Tour Television Special to the infamous Mike Tyson v. Evander Holyfield fights.

I welcome any feedback or questions.

Posted: 13 Sep 2007, 08:58
by Lester
RoyL wrote:IYRU rules
Hi Roy

Might be where you are going wrong. The IYRU no longer exists, having become the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) in 1996. But perhaps you meant to write about the International Model Yacht Racing Union (IMYRU), the model yachting organisation which affiliated to IYRU in 1990?

Posted: 13 Sep 2007, 18:06
by RoyL
Thanks for the correction. Just goes to show what happens when you focus on the big picture late at night and you are over fifty. The text has now been changed.