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The advantages of shareing

Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 18:55
by Nigel28
I have started yet another thread on this subject to give a different point of view.
I have been racing and building IOM's for some time. I thought it great that someone came up with the idea of using the same rigs and keel. It allows me to design and build a more challenging hull (the design envelope is larger) without the expense of a whole set of rigs and keel.
It seems to me that the intention here was to allow just this without takeing people away from IOM's.
If they wanted to take sailors away then why bother using the same rigs and keel?
How many people allready sail more than one class?
Given this if you can sail 2 classes with the same rig, would you not choose to do so.
Therefore I believe we could end up getting more IOM sailors as a result of this idea, someone builds a Phigit so they allready have the rigs and what the hey, they may as well get an IOM as well!