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Plans of IOM

Posted: 03 Dec 2003, 12:07
by soeren_andresen
Hi All

I have stated selling plans of my new IOM, it is a slidly modified version of the IOM I am sailing with at the moment. It has won the Danish national championship, ranking list for 2003 and 2. at the nordic rangking list (1. = Torvald Klem).

The plans consist of the following:
Side view, including keelfin and bulb, scale 1:1 (size 60x105 cm)
Top view, scale 1:1 (size 45x105 cm)
Kopies of all the necessary frames (15 in all), scale 1:1
Data sheet of line data
Hydrostatic data
Brief construction guide
Note with photos of some details

On the the 2 big drawings some details are drawn in, mast placement, placment eyes and ect.

The plans can be send to anywhere in the world, but because I not are a rich man :oops: , and big print are expensive, I do not send them for free,prices are therefor:

Plans: 150 DKr (20,2 EURO)
P&P Denmark: 24 DKr (3,1 EURO)
P&P Europa: 41 DKr (5,5 EURO)
P&P Rest of the World: 61 DKr (8,2 EURO)

If this should interest anybody, e-mail me for details of payment (sorry no creditcards)

Some photos of boat and details can be seen at:

Post scipt: 3 sets are sold for DEN, 1 for Spain and maybe 1 set is under way to Canada 8).

Posted: 26 Jul 2004, 15:17
by soeren_andresen
Hi all

I have just sold the last set I had in stock, and have desided that that I will not make any more copies for the moment. I may make some more in the winter, but for the moment I do not have the time to do it. It all depends on demand.

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 21:10
by EKEvens
soeren_andresen wrote:Hi all

I have just sold the last set I had in stock, and have desided that that I will not make any more copies for the moment. I may make some more in the winter, but for the moment I do not have the time to do it. It all depends on demand.
Hi, Soeren-

Do you have any facility to distribute the documents electronically via e-mail?

Posted: 28 Jul 2004, 11:18
by soeren_andresen

At the moment no, they are made by hand not on the PC. I have a CAD program but never had the time to get used to it, but after talking with a friend in Norway I may start to draw it with CAD program. He is willing to print them for free (he has a A0 plotter at work), so if I get the time this winter I think I will do it.
But for now I do not have the time, sorry.

I'm interested in buying the drawings!!!

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 13:23
by Signatus
Hi Soeren!!!

Congratulations for this exceptionel boat! :)

I'm Interested in buying one copy of your boat drawings.
I'm wiling to build a IOM and loved the look of your boat.

Can u make that copy!?? If not for when it will be availiable?!
I think that yur price is fair to.

I'm in Lisboa - Portugal


Posted: 19 Dec 2004, 12:00
by soeren_andresen
Hi All

As previous mentioned I do not sell the drawings any more, but Anders Wallin from Finland has kindly offered to place the drawings on his web-site. The link is: ... /iom-info/, look under November 2004: Laerke.
The drawings is both in PDF and DXF format, and is free for any one to use. And be the way there is also a detailed drawings of the sheeting system I am using, it made some attention in Arcos at the EC.
This is the best I can do at the moment, and until I get a less demanding job I will not get the time to make plans forsale again.

Best regards

Posted: 20 Dec 2004, 06:55
by Andrew Baak
Thank you Soren,
Is it just me or are there more then 10 shadow forms to cut out with you drawings? Could you give a clue which ones to cut out?

Posted: 20 Dec 2004, 06:56
by Andrew Baak
Thank you Soren,
Is it just me or are there more then 10 shadow forms to cut out with your drawings? Could you give a clue which ones to cut out?

Posted: 04 Jan 2005, 14:35
by soeren_andresen
Hi Andrew

First sorry for the delay, but home not ben home duering the holydays.

You are absolutly right there are more shadows than one needs to build one, but I use them when I design the hull (for better control).
So you only have to use every other shadow, which gives a placing between shadows around 100mm.

I hope you or anybody else will build them self one, the design sails very well (specialy when it blows). The result from Arcos does not reflect the preformes of the design, but more my inexperiens in big fleets. I have not lost an event to a fellow dane for the last year, but that has only been in fleets under 15 sailors.

Posted: 04 Jan 2005, 16:39
by lenz
what means shadows in german :roll: :roll:

Posted: 04 Jan 2005, 21:39
by Nigel
shadows are Spanten for all our Germans friends :wink:

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 05:11
by Andrew Baak
Thank you soren for that clarification, would it be possible to remove the excess shadows and re download, it is hard to get the right shadows with all the extra lines. thank you