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"ARES" - a new Aussie IOM

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 12:14
by nick lin
Have to give a plug for this. The young builder/designer, Darren Searle, let me loose with his new IOM last Sunday and I was really impressed. Considering I missed the first two races, the results were great ( a first and three seconds - see latest news at ... s/main.htm ) at least by my standards. He is just setting up shop and has been peering over Jeff Byerleys shoulder and looking closely at Bantock designs (as you would). Considering he handed me a pistol grip handset (wheel and trigger) which made me zig when I should have zagged too often to count, I really can't complain, even if I developed RSI. His own url is and a few pix can be found at my own IOM pix site at ... nails.html

The new number is #21, but it is the same (and only) boat.

The wind range was 10-15 knots. The price (sans radio and rig is $990 Aus). Pretty well built with a good finish.

Nick Lindsley

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 08:56
by Steve Jobs
Hi Nick

Sounds like you were happy with the performance of this boat. How do you think it would compared to the Gadget, Cockatoo or Disco?

Do you think using a pistol grip radio made any difference to your sailing? Good or Bad!

I am thinking of buying a new boat and this sounds like it might be worth a look.


ARES v other IOMs

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 13:02
by nick lin
Well I was impressed and I can say that I doubt if my efforts would have been better if I had used any other existing IOM design. Whether that is because of me, or the boats, I can't say. Let's just say if Darren wants me to sail it again in another comp, I would be delighted. I think I may have got him his first ever win (not sure) so he was pretty happy too. I never sailed it before, and no - I hated the pistol grip to be honest, so the odds were stacked against me. I had never used a pistol grip before, which made me even more impressed (with the boat). Next time I would prefer a normal handset. I lost a few places (including another 1st) just by zigging when I should have zagged! I went from scratch to +30 secs (tens seconds penaly per place for the following race) in about 4 races. He is a bit like a tiny Avis v a huge Hertz. He is a tryer, that's for sure.

darren's site is

BTW, I was racing against Cockatoos, Gadjets and Bandits
