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by Graham_Snook
23 Oct 2007, 18:21
Forum: General IOM
Topic: New To IOM
Replies: 7
Views: 10633

Re: advice

marktoone wrote: Perhaps I wont tell my wife how much i got :lol: :wink:
Never a good idea :D
by Graham_Snook
22 Oct 2007, 14:46
Forum: General IOM
Topic: New To IOM
Replies: 7
Views: 10633

Hi Mark, I see you've found Clapham's website :0) For all the trouble involved in melting/casting lead for the sake of £20 I found it was much easier to buy one...same went for the sails (I think) my first set were £35 from housemartin They got me on the water, got me winning which was perfect for...
by Graham_Snook
03 Jan 2007, 13:36
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Sails - Suppliers
Replies: 8
Views: 12303


Just a quick update In the end I went for BG sails, and I'm glad to say I'm not dissapointed athough, thanks to work at the London boatshow, I won't be able to sail them this Sunday :( So why BG? They are not the cheapest, but I feel they offer value for money, as the price you see is the price you ...
by Graham_Snook
14 Oct 2006, 16:49
Forum: General IOM
Topic: How to install the Hitec 5745 servo
Replies: 10
Views: 15518

Just a thought

The geometry of the sail arm to the sheet is the important thing. So that when it's almost in line (or 10º off) with the sheet, it's full in. This is one of the great benefits of the sail arm system as I understand it. When it's fully sheeted in (say 10º from the centrline) it can be moved say 5º...
by Graham_Snook
11 Oct 2006, 16:33
Forum: General IOM
Topic: How to install the Hitec 5745 servo
Replies: 10
Views: 15518

Max angle

Hi Steven, The max angle I get is around 110º, but to be honest I set mine up so it goes from full in to full out so the angle wasn't a big issue for me. As long as there was enough movement in the arm to sheet tight in and ease right out so the sails are on the shrouds, I was happy to begin with, ...
by Graham_Snook
10 Oct 2006, 18:02
Forum: General IOM
Topic: How to install the Hitec 5745 servo
Replies: 10
Views: 15518

My positioning....

Personally I didn't like the idea of siting mine in front of the fin, goes back to racing big boats and keeping the weight off the foredeck, whether this is right or worng I don't know, but it works for me. I have the Kbits CF arm on mine, and it sits just behind the fin (on the centreline) with the...
by Graham_Snook
04 Sep 2006, 17:13
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Sails - Suppliers
Replies: 8
Views: 12303

Boats and sails

Thanx Andy, boat compliments are always accepted :) Boats are one thing, sails are another, I'm quite happy to pay for someone to do the things I can't I wanted to build my boat, I have no desire to make my sails :D Besides, I have a feeling I'd probably use most of the worlds resources of film, and...
by Graham_Snook
04 Sep 2006, 16:20
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Sails - Suppliers
Replies: 8
Views: 12303

Sails - Suppliers

I'm in the market for a new set of sails! Not by choice, by sailing in too strong wind strength with a full rig...It's my only rig, well was until I ordered an no.2 before lunch..So I had two choices, either sailed with it and take the risk. Or don't sail. I sailed :cool: Anyway, while I won the mor...
by Graham_Snook
30 Aug 2006, 18:39
Forum: Measurement and Measurers
Topic: Measurement process
Replies: 7
Views: 16110


Hi Marko, Thanks for the advise about the bung...Luckily the only time my boat has seriously taken on water was when she pitchpolled, in strong winds with my stubby keel (we run low on water as well...I dunno no water, no measurer at least we still have boats :grin: ) anyway she stayed nose down til...
by Graham_Snook
30 Aug 2006, 17:25
Forum: Measurement and Measurers
Topic: Measurement process
Replies: 7
Views: 16110

Thanx Mark

Hi Mark,

Thanks for that, only problem is that it's my photography that's stopping sorting my IOM out, as I never know where I'll be and when :?
by Graham_Snook
30 Aug 2006, 11:43
Forum: Measurement and Measurers
Topic: Measurement process
Replies: 7
Views: 16110

Thank you

Hi Lester,

Many thanks for your clarification. Just got to find the time now...Arggg

by Graham_Snook
29 Aug 2006, 18:59
Forum: Measurement and Measurers
Topic: Measurement process
Replies: 7
Views: 16110

Measurement process

Just a few questions about having my IOM measured I don't have access to a float tank. So, as far as I can tell I think I'm within the 420mm draft, but if during measuring it's found to be say 1mm over, am I allowed time to file 1mm off the top of the fin so it reduces the draft? Or will this be at ...
by Graham_Snook
22 May 2006, 16:37
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Triple Crown
Replies: 51
Views: 80490


Excellent work, you must be really proud of her (I would be) Great series of photos btw, I wish I'd documented mine as well, but I was just too impatient to get her on the water!! :D

Good luck on the water

by Graham_Snook
21 Apr 2006, 12:44
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Deck Limit Mark
Replies: 14
Views: 21731

Many thanks :-)

Thanks for that I wasn't aware I was infringing the rules. That's the problem when you're new to something, little things can easily be over looked Just a quick question, what would be the best way to correct this? Could I: Move the mark down so it's still over 60mm and less than 100mm but within th...
by Graham_Snook
20 Mar 2006, 16:39
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Deck Limit Mark
Replies: 14
Views: 21731

IanHB wrote:I would accept a deck limit mark either directly behind your aluminium plate or beside your mast.
Many thanks for that, I wasn't too sure whether it would be "near" enough if I put the mark aft of the metal plate. But I'd hate for my Triple Crown to be illegal on a the placing of a 5mm dot :D
by Graham_Snook
14 Mar 2006, 23:13
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Deck Limit Mark
Replies: 14
Views: 21731

Deck Limit Marks

Now I have a date to work to (See triple crown thread in General IOM), I'm facing my measuring demons and have got to paint marks on my home made hull....the big question is where?...this thread was very helpful, but the pics are no longer embedded :( Does anyone have a link to the photos that were ...
by Graham_Snook
13 Mar 2006, 11:33
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Triple Crown
Replies: 51
Views: 80490

Ray Flanigan wrote:
What winch are using by the way.
The hi tec digital sail arm 5745 :cool:
by Graham_Snook
12 Mar 2006, 11:20
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Triple Crown
Replies: 51
Views: 80490


Eeek, never really thought about traveling....I've still got to get her certified and make sure she's class legal....As far as I'm aware she's all legal and above board, and I have a plan to get her you never know ;) Where and when is it? and even though she's coated in GRP does she st...
by Graham_Snook
10 Mar 2006, 00:00
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Triple Crown
Replies: 51
Views: 80490

Triple Crown in a breeze

Just thought I'd post an update. Although the club I race in isn't the most competitive, we usually have some really close racing. However last sunday when the windstrength was borderline for the no. 1 rig. My Triple Crown won, not just one race, or two, but every single race that day! :D Although t...
by Graham_Snook
17 Nov 2005, 14:16
Forum: Events and Event Management
Topic: Countdown device for starting sequence - Anyone ?
Replies: 4
Views: 7171


Our club isn't the most advanced....But it's a simple system and that's cheap and it works A cheapy tape deck (yep remember those) it's old and knackered with one speaker...on the tape is the starting sequence recorded over and over again onto a C30/C60/C90 cassette inbetween the sequences is a voic...
by Graham_Snook
16 Nov 2005, 17:07
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Sheeting point on sailarm?
Replies: 2
Views: 6334


Thanx Lester, But I still don't know whether it will work! :wink: Initally I was thinking about using it on my 6M (still in build) as a way of sheeting out longer than a sail arm would allow, while still maintaining the positive points of a sail arm, speed and precision etc. The other variation woul...
by Graham_Snook
16 Nov 2005, 13:28
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Sheeting point on sailarm?
Replies: 2
Views: 6334

Sheeting point on sailarm?

Does the sheeting point on the sailarm have to be fixed in one position...or could it slide? :D "C.7.7 RUNNING RIGGING USE (a) The mainsail sheet and the headsail sheet may be worked by a sheet control line attached to the sheet control unit." I started of thinking about this as an aid to fine trimm...
by Graham_Snook
19 Aug 2005, 13:29
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Sheet-in position? - Poll
Replies: 5
Views: 7752

Sheeting in

Well I'm glad to see I'm not alone....I'm not really sure why I chose that way of sheeting in. I was wondering while I'm still new to it all, whether I should change to the traditional way (sheet in at the bottom) or continue the way I'm going...the only advantage I can see is when I borrow somone e...
by Graham_Snook
12 Aug 2005, 22:51
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Wich design would you chosse to build
Replies: 3
Views: 8083

Triple Crown

Personally I've been more than happy with my Triple crown, but I'm still in my first season, so there may be better designs out there....but I found there is a lot on info available on the triple crown, there are plenty of people who have built them...and off the wind they are real rockets :D Check ...
by Graham_Snook
18 Jul 2005, 16:52
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Sheet-in position? - Poll
Replies: 5
Views: 7752

Sheet-in position? - Poll

For some unknown reason I seem to have bucked the trend in my local club, all of which use the thumb stick towards you (i.e. at the bottom of the transmitter) to sheet in. I, on the other hand use it the other way around with sheet-in at the top of the throttle...I think it must lead back to when I ...
by Graham_Snook
17 May 2005, 12:28
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Triple Crown
Replies: 51
Views: 80490

Sails and Rig

My sails came from Housemartin (£34 at the time) I went for the cheap - economy option because it was my first build and didn't want to ruin a "good" set of sails while I learnt to sail from the shore. The sails have good shape to them, and for the racing we do at the club they are fine and well wo...
by Graham_Snook
16 May 2005, 17:31
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Triple Crown
Replies: 51
Views: 80490

Internal Structure

Forward of the mast is just as the plans for the Triple Crown plans show, 3 beams/liteply shapes to support the foredeck, jib tack and sheet positions. Aft of the mast is a bit of my own creation although I used the plans for the fin box, but all I did was follow the tips that you also get with the ...
by Graham_Snook
16 May 2005, 13:06
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Triple Crown
Replies: 51
Views: 80490

My Triple Crown was planked with 1/8th (approx 3mm) Balsa, sanded then coated with 2 x layers of .9oz cloth and sanded back between layers...unfortunately due to a bit of over active sanding back, the glass gets a bit thin in places!! I've also noticed a puncture in the glass, so I'm going to coat t...
by Graham_Snook
11 May 2005, 17:39
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Triple Crown
Replies: 51
Views: 80490


Here's a pic of the appendages and a dummy mast so you can see the angle of dangle: From the pic I've managed to measure the bulb cant as 2.7º and the rake of the mast at 2º, but don't take my word for it...measure it for yourself :D I also have...
by Graham_Snook
10 May 2005, 12:40
Forum: General IOM
Topic: Triple Crown
Replies: 51
Views: 80490

More Pix

Here are some more pix of the building process: From the bow to the front of my mast (11mm OD I think) is 489mm The Jib tack point for my A rig is 185mm from the bow Both measurements are with out the bumper and I'll try to get some out of ...