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by RoyL
19 Apr 2009, 23:15
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: What is the status of the 2008 voted rules changes?
Replies: 57
Views: 52916

Jan: Thank you for your prompt response. Regards, Roy
by RoyL
19 Apr 2009, 16:58
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: What is the status of the 2008 voted rules changes?
Replies: 57
Views: 52916

Jan: I know you have said that you have made your last post on this topic, but an important clarification is needed. In your prior post you offered the option of having ISAF Technical serve in the review role of IOMICA class rule changes. Is this now no longer the case? The concern I have is not wit...
by RoyL
18 Apr 2009, 21:45
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Class Rules Principles
Replies: 7
Views: 10227

Jan: There is a lot of truth in what you say. But, please don't regret the lack of restriction on IOM appendages. Fact is the carbon fiber fins make the boats much easier to sail in the many conditions we race in. Yes, it increases the cost a bit, but I think the trade off was for the better. In the...
by RoyL
18 Apr 2009, 14:51
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: What is the status of the 2008 voted rules changes?
Replies: 57
Views: 52916

Jan: Thank you so much for the informative clarification of the situation with RSD. And I think you have put forth a really productive solution to the problem of IOMICA/RSD relations in this interim period by offering to have ISAF assume technical review authority for our class. One question--if as ...
by RoyL
18 Apr 2009, 03:24
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: What is the status of the 2008 voted rules changes?
Replies: 57
Views: 52916

To try to bring this back where it started this has now become a pretty clear example of what happens when the claimed "experts" substitutes their judgement for the vote of the entire class. Fact is, Robert claims that he has a "better" idea. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Really it's just his opinion...
by RoyL
17 Apr 2009, 17:00
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: What is the status of the 2008 voted rules changes?
Replies: 57
Views: 52916

Let me try to be clear about my concerns. This is not about "technical expertise". It is solely about class governance and who has the power to make decisions concerning our class rules. First, let me say that Robert Grubisa did not ask if I objected to the publication of my private correspondence. ...
by RoyL
17 Apr 2009, 05:34
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: What is the status of the 2008 voted rules changes?
Replies: 57
Views: 52916

Well, John, you have sort of hit on the dilemma facing the current Exec. Seems that RSD has failed to hold required proper elections for a number of years. That means that there are no properly elected RSD officers, Also seems that RSD will shortly no longer be recognized by ISAF. Nevertheless, Robe...
by RoyL
15 Apr 2009, 20:11
Forum: Class Associations and Class Management
Topic: 2009 AGM
Replies: 37
Views: 48082

And technically, the candidate form is just a form and does not override the class constitution. However, this has always been an exec that believes in practical solutions to problems including allowing all declared candidates to run for office regardless if an exact reading of the rules could lead ...
by RoyL
15 Apr 2009, 04:49
Forum: Class Associations and Class Management
Topic: 2009 AGM
Replies: 37
Views: 48082

Alfonso: Sorry you don't like the way I stand up to defend the people who have kept this organization alive and growing for the past five years. And to follow up on what Bruce pointed out below, a strict interpretation of the constitution would also disqualify Olivier Cohen, NCA representative from ...
by RoyL
14 Apr 2009, 18:37
Forum: Class Associations and Class Management
Topic: 2009 AGM
Replies: 37
Views: 48082

Alfonso: Do not ever suggest that the volunteers who staff the Exec of IOMICA are not serious about their responsibilities or act without consideration of the best interest of the class and its members. Please also remember it is not the job of the Exec as you claim to "enforce the rules". The Exec ...
by RoyL
14 Apr 2009, 05:15
Forum: Class Associations and Class Management
Topic: 2009 AGM
Replies: 37
Views: 48082

I agree 100 percent Ken. The exec is working on extending the time into May. Expect revised dates to be announced shortly.
by RoyL
26 Mar 2009, 21:17
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

Val: Thanks for bringing this discussion back to where it began. I also think that your view on velcro and corrector weights is a practical and logical answer to this question. And thanks to everyone else for posting here. Yes, this discussion has wandered and twisted and turned. Clearly, there have...
by RoyL
24 Mar 2009, 17:32
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

John: I'm not sure what "attack" you are seeing, but to the extent I made one I apologize. To clarify: first, hopefully, it was clear that I responded to Antonio with a bit of humor in the same spirit of his prior post. I always appreciate and welcome his opinions and I hope he knows that. Second, a...
by RoyL
24 Mar 2009, 14:51
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

Wim: Guilty as charged. As VC Technical I was taken to task by some (including posters here) for not raising possible technical issues that might effect the class. So I posted a series of "issues" here to generate discussion. Next time I'll follow my own instincts and let sleeping dogs lie. As to ho...
by RoyL
24 Mar 2009, 01:02
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

Other Roy (love the name btw)--Sorry if you think I missed the mark on my last post. Certainly this has strayed from the original topic on batteries. What can I say, I generally don't like re-writing rules when they have been working fine for a number of years. I also don't think a single person act...
by RoyL
23 Mar 2009, 17:06
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

In thinking about this a little more over the weekend, I found the perfect example to demonstrate the absurdity of the literalist position put forth by Lester. Take this simple phrase "Thou shall not kill." The language is clear, simple, straightforward and absolute. But, it's now World War II and y...
by RoyL
22 Mar 2009, 21:56
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

Gee, do I much prefer making jokes. Jim, I think you have just demonstrated an excellent example of the problem of reading rules or regulations literally without regard to context. Under the strict reading of the rules Lester is proposing, since the only time many of the rules are to be followed is ...
by RoyL
22 Mar 2009, 15:52
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

To be serious here for a moment, Lester's answer to Jim's question is a very good illustration of the different ways people read and understand rules and regulations. Note that when asked for an opinion, Lester instead posts two quotes. The conclusion one is supposed to draw from the quotes is that ...
by RoyL
22 Mar 2009, 00:05
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

Amen, Val.
by RoyL
21 Mar 2009, 20:51
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

In principal there are a number of areas involving moving weights that could be interesting to play with. Personally, I would love to be able to have a light air and heavy air fin/bulb that I can change during an event. Also would love to be able to move my corrector weights and battery and bulb (bo...
by RoyL
20 Mar 2009, 04:08
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Corrector weights
Replies: 71
Views: 68523

First, we are not all in agreement that the rules need to be changed. I do not believe a proposal to the World Council is needed to fix a problem that I believe does not exist. Second, as I have tried to politely point out, a hyper-technical, pedantic reading of any document or set of rules virtuall...
by RoyL
20 Mar 2009, 03:51
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

Not everyone sees the world the same way. Not everyone reads the rules the same way. So lets leave this as reasonable people can disagree. Oh, and one other cautionary note for anyone taking this too seriously-- there is an old saying that if you look at things hard enough and close enough and often...
by RoyL
19 Mar 2009, 19:59
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Corrector weights
Replies: 71
Views: 68523

As I recall the class rejected a number of rule changes that were packaged together on an all or nothing basis. As to the current issue, I believe that everyone reading the existing rules understand them to prohibit the movement of corrector weights during an event. Of course, if you look hard enoug...
by RoyL
19 Mar 2009, 01:27
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Corrector weights
Replies: 71
Views: 68523

Unfortunately, Val, so far no one has come up with the "jig" you (and I) desire. If we were starting over from the beginning it would be a different story. But, if anyone can come up with a water free method that does what Val suggests--accommodate the existing boats and not create a whole new range...
by RoyL
18 Mar 2009, 20:37
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

Lester I do not agree with your conclusions and I think once again you have gone too deep into the literal words of the rules. During a series of "heats" that we designate a "race", I believe that a competitor can only replace his battery, receiver etc, with equipment of similar size and weight in t...
by RoyL
18 Mar 2009, 20:27
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Corrector weights
Replies: 71
Views: 68523

Mike Eldred went through an extensive study of water free measurement and the conclusion was that if we do away with the tank, the IOM hull shape will change and the performance envelope will be expanded. Seems to be too high a price to pay. If anyone has a water free system that maintains the IOM h...
by RoyL
18 Mar 2009, 15:09
Forum: Events and Event Management
Topic: Can You See It?
Replies: 22
Views: 20492

Alfonso: Contrary to your post, I know for a fact that Bruce Andersen has read the IOMICA Race Management Manual. But thanks again for your bringing out another important problem-- I believe that the race management manual, like many of the original IOMICA documents, is not very easy to read or use....
by RoyL
18 Mar 2009, 14:49
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Corrector weights
Replies: 71
Views: 68523

In considering with an open mind the positions expressed, I still come back to the concept that fundamental measurement where nothing on the hull is really measured doesn't seem worth the time and effort. Also, I have been to many, many events where for example, weight is checked but boats aren't pu...
by RoyL
18 Mar 2009, 14:39
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Battery Weight & Placement
Replies: 118
Views: 107728

If by "event" your mean the series of heats that we call a "race", then it would seem that the controlling rule is that you are required to use the same weight batteries from the start to the finish of that event. What you can't do during that event is use batteries not of "similar" weight. Between ...
by RoyL
14 Mar 2009, 03:22
Forum: Class Rules
Topic: Hull Measurement Form
Replies: 34
Views: 34721

Robert: I usually don't prefer to use these boards to answer one on one questions, but since you asked: 1. Please ask Andy S. about the presentation of rule changes to RSD. It is his area. I also look forward to the day when we will be directly dealing with ISAF. 2. As to how the fundamental measure...